I admit that I'm externally motivated.
Like you, I can do things that are, in some degree, "required," have deadlines, have people waiting on me for them, and/or have penalties for not doing them. So, for as many activities as I can, I try to involve someone else to keep me accountable in things I need to get done. I requested having more regular meetings with my research advisor even if it was a 5 minute "still working on X, this is how it's going" update. If I'm putting off cleaning my apt, I invite people over. Sometimes, I ask my friend to yell at me (we have this great motivational speech we give each other about how if we don't do our sh*t, we'll end up mopping sh*t at McD's; not actually true but the humor breaks through the self-deception of procrastination). Ultimately, the *best* way for me to overcome procrastination is to actually start *doing* one of the things, because then inertia/flow takes over.
But when it comes to long-term personal projects so frequently advocated on MMM, I'm *terrible* at following through. Let you know if I ever figure out intrinsic motivation. Or maybe I'll start a motivational-speech business around it.