Okay, heres my back story.. Recently turned around my spending habits after having a lot of "lifestyle creep" in 2012. At the moment I save somewhere between high 40's to low 50 percent of my take home after tax, sure I could it a bit more but i'd start to feel 'deprived' if I did. I'm 23, no consumer debts, income of $75,000 a year AUD, roughly $50,000 invested (soon to be re-balanced), $15k in my aussie equivalent of a roth ira (superannuation) and 15,000 again in cash. So While i'm not incredibly frugal, I still think I'm doing okay..
Here is my issue.. My car. its a 90's Aussie V6, its chewing $60ish a week in fuel & has done roughly 280,000 miles (or over 430,000k's for any aussies.) she's had a good run but the falcon is on its last legs. I paid $3k for her when I was 19 & right now I believe I could scrap her for 1-2k or spend a tonne on parts getting her back to a road worthy condition. She's simply no longer economical to maintain & bordering on unsafe.
I started hunting for new cars around the $20-25,000 bracket (which essentially puts me in the price range for new hyundai econoboxes or maybe a 2-3 year old corolla.... Gotta love 'Strayan vehicle prices...) If since realised thats a ridiculous amount to put into a car & I've cut my budget down to about $12k. At that price range, i've found a 4 cylinder sedan with 50'000 miles / 80,000 kilometres on it thats roughly 4 years old and has depreciated 50% of its purchase cost.
I believe I'll get it for roughly $12,000 all up (i'll negotiate it down but then get hit with stamp duty as our government taxes us for anything and everything. Bastards.)
This is a purchase I need to make, how do i stop myself from being such a scrooge and make it?
Rebuttle to the arguments I'm expecting.
"You dont need to spend $12,000 on a car"
Our car market is often double to three times the price of the US market because your market is 15x bigger than ours & we get ripped off by manufacturers. $12,00 is not going to get me anything flash. It will get me a 4-5 year old 4 cyl econobox with cloth trim, no alloys or fancy bits & if I'm lucky... Power windows.
"use public transport"
Right now my commute is 25 minutes each way, so 50 minutes. With public transport, my commute would change to: walk 20 minutes to the bus stop, wait for 10 minutes to half an hour (usually while multiple "full" busses sail past) take a 40 minute bus trip to near my work, walk 10 minutes. My monday to Friday commute would cost me $45. I'd still need a car for getting places on weekend & groceries (riding on 80k/hr roads inches away from bogans in jacked up landcruisers is a really, really good way to die. I would rather walk at 1/4th the pace than ride a bike here.. There are footpaths but its illegal to ride bikes on them. I did this for 12 months, then I sat down, did the math & realised how much of my life I was wasting on public transport. My life has considerably improved with the extra 5-7 hours of personal time I have a week extra.
So as is:
Driving costs me $60/5 hours (I'd estimate 40-50 of this is work commute, the rest is my other driving eg 2hrs each weekend to the coast, etc + maintenance on vehicle. This will also drop with a newer 4 cylinder.)
Public Transport: $45 / 12.5 hrs. (This is slated to go up another 20% this year. Public transport only really pays off here if you work CBD & have to pay for parking.)
"Move closer to work"
Hahahahaha, I'll just get my mint out and start printing some money. Australian real estate is some of the most expensive in the world compared to income. Seriously, our property market is an absolute nightmare.
I split $2,000 a month with friends, so I pay roughly $670 a month where I am now for a moderate sized econo shoebox. Alternatively, I could pay more like $920 a month to live in a death trap asbestos hellhole closer to my work. I know MMM would probably do it & justify it with the cost of time, but I feel like I've got a pretty good balance at the moment & living anywhere smaller than I do now would drive me insane.
So how do I stop myself from being so niggardly, bite the bullet and spend on something that I know I need?
PS: not sure if I was clear on this earlier, but the car is getting beyond "aged with some character to "deathtrap"..