Hi! I am teaching my friend Macroeconomics for fun, and we thought we'd use the Spring 2014 Macro course from MIT OpenCourseware. The lecture notes contain a model to show the vulnerabilities of the financial system, which is cool - but it's driving me crazy that the notes have equity as a liability. Can someone make sense of it?
https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/economics/14-02-principles-of-macroeconomics-spring-2014/lecture-notes/MIT14_02S14_LecNotes1-7.pdfFor instance, on slide 8, NW/Equity is 160, which makes sense as Assets (1000+50+10) less Liabilities (900) = 160. But in the table, under liabilities, is "Equity 160". That would imply a net worth of zero! Argh.