Any of you that are on the FinancialIndependence subreddit will see an identical post to this.
I've been dropping hints the last few weeks that I've been reverse-engineering Firecalc, as to add more features to it (and continue doing so, at user requests). I'm about to the point where I want to ask people to "beta" test it out, but I have no freakin' clue what to name this thing.
I'm partial to using the word "Simulation" "Simulator" or "Sim" in it somewhere, but it doesn't have to be.
I figured I'd commission some of the more creative minds in one of my favorite forums for some ideas. I'll toss around some "beta" invites to my favorite ones in the coming weeks whenever I actually kick it off (assuming life doesn't get in the way).
So mustachians, what would you name a new Retirement Calculator? For reference, here is a list of most of the ones on the net now: