Quick background: I'm 29 years old, public school teacher, $76k gross salary, single, no kids, no debt.
Currently, I'm maxing my contributions to my Roth IRA which is entirely VTSAX. Is this a good idea? Originally I had a target date fund. If not, what should I do? I'm also contributing 8% to a pension plan. This is mandatory.
Additionally, I'm saving $2k per month and putting it towards a down payment for a house. I'm at $44k, aiming for $50.
When I have the house money saved, I'm going to have that $2k per month to invest and need some guidance. I could do a 403b but I've heard mixed reviews about my options going that route.
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Here is a list of all of the 403b providers that I can choose from in my state.
https://www.nbsbenefits.com/HawaiiDOE/providers.phpMany of my coworkers went through AXA, but they told me to stay away. It also appears that very few of these companies offer mutual funds. Do any of these financial institutions look like a good idea?