That number is roughly 130 kWh per day. As others suggested, go out and read your meter. First, to make sure it is correct, and second to see if you are still using electricity at the same rate (subtract from bill reading and divide by days since the bill reading).
What range have previous months been?
What runs on electric in your house? Heat? What kind of heat - baseboard, forced air, heat pump (with additional heating elements)? Water heater? Water pump? Stove? You mentioned dryer. For reference, we have a big, drafty farmhouse, and use < 300kWh /month, but we have oil heat and hot water, propane stove, no dryer, no well pump. Lights, electronics, fridges, etc really don't use that much, certainly not 130 kWh per day.
If your actual usage has spiked (not a catch-up), look for something unusual. We had sudden high usage, I watched the meter trying to figure out what times usage spiked, flipped breakers when the dial was spinning madly until I found the guilty circuit. Then we examined what was on that circuit. There was a heat tape wrapped on a pipe that must have been drawing electricity sporadically so we removed it as it was unpredictable and unsafe.