Hi all,
Without writing a novel about my backstory, I came from humbled beginnings that succumbed to lifestyle inflation the 1st year I started working out of college. When you've been poor all your life and then start earning something more than minimum wage, it feels like you've hit the lottery? After the 1st year of working, I had little to show for it, aside from a bigger waistline. Reflecting, I was like am I TRULY happier? I was disappointed in myself because I spent little money growing up :(
First book I read was Millionaire Teacher (I'm a teacher) then I stumbled upon MMM, JLCollins blog/podcast, Paula podcast, rest is history.
Here is my issue...
In short, I'm financially illiterate and don't know the "step-by-step." The book/blogs say get vanguard index funds, I call up my school district and the lady is even more clueless than me? So now we have two clueless individuals talking to each other, I want to get Vanguard but she says it's not on the list of "vendors/suppliers" and the "popular" most used by teachers in our district is a company called American Fidelity (they have a contract with the district so automatically, I'm weary of that). Anyway, I scroll through their vendor list and the only one I think I've seen before is Fidelity (no Vanguard).
Any idea where to start to make sense of all this? I'm ready to execute the plan except I feel like I've been given a broad plan with no specifics. Been listening to podcasts and reading blogs but its like tidbits here and there so I never get the full picture. I like detailed explanations and understanding the why, anyone able to help me out or point me in a good direction? I love reading/learning so where exactly can I go for Step 1 if that makes sense.
I'm ~40-50% savings rate but that money just sitting in a bank is probably getting eaten up by inflation. I don't even have a credit card to my name as I was taught "if you can't pay it in cash you can't afford it" growing up. My only debt is a ~$18,000 student loan @ 5.85% interest, I pay the minimum on since that will be forgiven after teaching 5 years since I teach in a STEM field (so no rush to pay that off quickly right?)
Apologies it turned into a novel, but would some more stats help?
Edit: Sorry for double post, computer/server lagged, please delete other one