Friend of Ethiopia here - generic white USer, but 7 years helping friend from Ethiopia build a nonprofit there...
it's still a thing that everyone could assume you're rich enough to send them lots of money, when you're not. It can be seen as an ethical responsibility back home, could prevent your stash building here, or even your breaking even here... plus "capital needs" for business ventures that exceed your investment capacity... these are real regardless of how much nicer your first world mustache lifestyle is.
Zimbabwe sounds like the economy is imploding and the money will never emerge from it. OP, so glad you got your parents to your new country. Even more so that they are prospering and paying their way. It sounds like your dad really found a good job to start out. I am very happy for you!
Thanks for the well wishes!
Yes, a lot of us Africans and other Third Worlders feel responsible for everyone back home and it can be detrimental. Many of my friends send a large chunk of their paycheques home every month and never get ahead in life here. I really don't know what the solution is, but I'm so thankful that my family is here now and are working/making their own money.
This. Like my mom had to put herself through school here in the U.S because she couldn't take out student loans as an international student yet she also had to not only support two kids but also somehow send money back home.
I mean we're talking helping pay tuition for her siblings. My mom is very mustachian too and if it wasn't for this culture, she would probably be a millionaire right now.
The fortunate thing for us is that now most of my nuclear family is in the U.S and everyone has gotten a good taste for the struggles of the first world so very few people still ask for money. Also, our standard of living has come a VERY long way. We laugh at how 5 cent sweets were so expensive and how I used to want this 10 cent toy but we could never afford it.
On this note though, poverty sucks no matter where you are. Those who have money live even better lives than us here. Like some of my mom's friends ended up getting good jobs with the growing economy and they live like kings.