Ok - my DH comes from a low income family (got reduced lunch in school, pell grants, etc). We are 27 now, have paid off our home (foreclosure, fixer-upper), and are about to close on our first rental property. We save a lot of money, and have recently tried to cut back more thanks to MMM - making food from scratch, line drying our clothes, biking more, etc.
The point - my DH's family has always asked us a lot of money questions. For whatever reason, my DH thinks this is fine and answers them. I didn't really care, until yesterday. Yesterday they asked things like - how much are you expecting to make on the home? What is your mortgage? Are you going to put extra on the home? How much? I didn't mind answering the questions, but when they found out how much extra income we were planning to put on the home, you could tell they were shocked.
A couple hours later, they asked us if we could buy them a flat screen TV as a joint Christmas present. In my head, I was screaming, but I tried to remain calm. I just said I wasn't sure, I thought they were pretty pricey still. My MIL then talked about how they have come down in price, and I said that maybe my sister-in-law could chip in and we could do it. Then I got even more upset inside, when my MIL said that they couldn't afford to help us, they were going to buy them an antenna for Christmas anyway (around $30, as a joint gift). Now, I don't care about my SIL's life choices - she is not working and taking care of her 1 year old son, and my BIL is a pilot (regional airline, not a captain = pretty low salary). But, it is very much upsetting me that my MIL is expecting/asking for such a nice gift from us "because we have the money". My DH has tried to tell her that the SIL's choices are her own, and I choose to work so we are dual-income (no kids now), we are saving our money, etc. But, I know she thinks the $150 or so for the TV is a small amount compared to how much "extra" money we have.
We normally spend no more than $25 or so per gift, so this is a huge additional outlay. I am also afraid we opened a can of worms because my MIL asked us to go in on a grill for my FIL a few months ago for his 65th birthday/father's day. She gave $100, we gave $100 and built it, my SIL gave $40. I told my DH that was a one-time outlay for a special occasion, and I didn't want to do it all the time. Now, here we are at the next event, basically being asked to do it again.
Have any of you had a situation like this? How do you handle it? How much do you normally spend on gifts? I know my in-laws don't have a lot of money, but we work hard for ours and are trying to save it.