Author Topic: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S  (Read 27831 times)


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Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« on: February 03, 2014, 12:10:13 PM »

I have watched some youtube videos about activating the iphone 4s for Page Plus (using a web site that is not page plus, nor verizon), but I'm still a bit scared to do this.  If something doesn't work and I'm stuck in no man's I don't know who would get me back to working condition.  I have been down this path with android and having a phone flashed for cricket and it can get ugly.

I'm paying $65 a month now for a pre-paid verizon plan on a 4s that has been on verizon from day 1.

Just seeing if anyone has actually done it (Note: not iphone 3, or 4, or 5, but 4s would give me the most confidence)

Thanks for any help


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2014, 12:26:30 PM »
Check out this thread:!/

I have an iPhone 4S and was paying $120 per month for a Verizon post paid plan with unlimited talk/text and 4Gb of data.  Based on some info I Googled, I called and asked for their "Loyalty plan." It is unlimited talk/text and 2Gb of data for $60 per month!


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2014, 01:14:50 PM »
Here you go:

If you still want to take your iPhone 4S to Page Plus despite the risks, stay mum on what it is, and activate over the phone (have your MEID handy).
« Last Edit: February 03, 2014, 01:19:09 PM by I.P. Daley »


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2014, 02:22:18 PM »
I went from AT&T with an unlocked phone. One thing I wish I would have known is that everything doesn't always work on the new carrier. For example it doesn't support photo texts. Just posting it here because it wasn't anything I found anywhere when researching it.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2014, 04:00:45 PM »
Here you go:

If you still want to take your iPhone 4S to Page Plus despite the risks, stay mum on what it is, and activate over the phone (have your MEID handy).

Thanks.. I think I have read before.  It says that Iphone is not officialy supported with P+.  It also says talk to The Dude.

Are you saying I just call page plus with my iphone 4s, and they will activate it? And port number over?

If you google "Activate iphone 4s on page plus" there is a youtube video and a link to:

The page looks pretty low-rent, but there are people replying to the various videos they say they have success going through this page. I've also read users on howard forums have gone through exclusive cellular also.  But I don't know if I need to or not. I'm not sure why they would do this for free.. do they get paid by P+ somehow?

Let me know if you think just calling them or trying to activate on p+ web page is the way to go first or not.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2014, 04:11:58 PM »
I have a Verizon iPhone through pageplus and it was as easy as making sure you had your info ready and not telling them you have an iPhone.

Any other sites or steps are unnecessary fluff.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2014, 05:21:52 PM »

Thanks!  I sent you a PM, but I think I am going to go ahead and give it a try if they are open now.  I'm going to try the web page first.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2014, 05:34:08 PM »
They want my account number and password. I'm on prepaid they never gave me that.
Anyone know the number to call verizon. They don't show a number or chat or anything as far as I can find on their page to contact them to get this info.


For verizon pre-paid account customer support:


Press 1 for English, then 4, then 6, then 4

To get a person they gave me account info I needed. I called from that phone and they sent a text for verification.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2014, 05:44:22 PM by zachd »


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2014, 05:52:16 PM »
Question, is your iPhone a Verizon postpaid or prepaid model?

As far as I know, Verizon never offered the 4S as a prepaid model, but it never hurts to clarify. If it was a postpaid model initially, you should be able to take it over to Page Plus. If it was a prepaid model, however...


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2014, 06:20:56 PM »
Post paid initially.. we made it through the 2 years and I had 1 month of pre-paid verizon.

I put my info in on the page plus page.

I have no idea what I am supposed to do now if anything.

IE dial * something to activate or who knows ?


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2014, 08:03:56 PM »
Post paid initially.. we made it through the 2 years and I had 1 month of pre-paid verizon.

I put my info in on the page plus page.

I have no idea what I am supposed to do now if anything.

IE dial * something to activate or who knows ?

If you still want to take your iPhone 4S to Page Plus despite the risks, stay mum on what it is, and activate over the phone (have your MEID handy).

You should have activated over the phone. Call and follow up.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2014, 08:26:08 PM »
I agree w/ Daley, I tried doing over the web as well and never got it to work. One phone call and a short while later and it worked just fine.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2014, 08:41:16 PM »

Thanks. THey have a link on the page. It asked for some info. I put it all in.  I submitted it. It send an email.
The End. haha.

They closed at 10:00 I will have to call tmr morning.

Thanks for all the help!


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2014, 09:30:11 AM »
Well, using chat did not work, she gave me like 10 different reasons..

I'll try and call.

Do I even have an ESN???

zachd78722: I have these:

zachd78722: IMEI 99 000102 737785 2 ICCID 8931 4408 8062 2395 292 MEID 9900010273785

Amy T.: 9900010273785 is not activatable with us.

Amy T.: I'm sorry about that.

Amy T.: I'm sorry we do not activate any branded Verizon INpulse (prepaid) phones.

Amy T.: I'm sorry we do not have any server information to provide you with since the phone is not a Page Plus handset.

Amy T.: I'm sorry we cannot activate iPhones.  These devices cannot be activated on our system.

Amy T.: In general you can use any unlocked, Verizon-compatible, CDMA phone on our network.

Amy T.: If the handset is not an approved Page Plus Cellular phone we cannot guarantee that web access or picture messaging will work properly on the phone.

Amy T.: If the phone you are attempting to activate is not a Page Plus handset, we cannot be certain that the phone will work properly with the Page Plus network.  You can attempt to activate the phone and program the phone, but we would have no way of telling you exactly why a phone will not work with Page Plus.

Amy T.: Blackberry devices will not work properly with the Page Plus network for full functionality.  Blackberry devices may work for talking and plain-text messaging (SMS), but will not likely work for picture messaging (MMS), mobile web (WAP), email, or any other data service.  If you can get a Blackberry activated on the Page Plus network, it will very likely be limited in functionality.

Amy T.: As long as the phone meets the above requirements we can attempt to activate the phone.

Amy T.: We cannot determine if a specific make & model will or will not work with Page Plus.

Amy T.: Page Plus does not use SIM cards on our network.

Amy T.: As such, phones that use SIM cards cannot be activated with Page Plus.

Amy T.: 9900010273785 is not a valid ESN.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2014, 07:15:53 PM »
Do I even have an ESN???


Well, using chat did not work, she gave me like 10 different reasons..

If you still want to take your iPhone 4S to Page Plus despite the risks, stay mum on what it is, and activate over the phone (have your MEID handy).

I'll try and call.

Good idea.

If you still can't pull it off, maybe it's time to read this.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2014, 08:26:29 PM »

No way!  This IPHONE 4S will be like a Honda, I'm going to use it until it falls apart... I mean.. it's paid for.. it works.. and I use it for things like airplay.

I tried the exclusive celluar porting portal page...  first it said my account number was wrong.  I typed my account number in to a spreadsheet when verizon gave it to me and it dropped the leading '0' from the number (I didn't noticed as I typed it).  So the I had to call verizon again and double check the number and they set me up a passcode.

I resubmitted the port request and now it said my passcode was incorrect.   I"m thinking maybe it takes some time to propagate or something since I tried right after I set it up.

So I am going to try again in the morning.

I did try calling page plus direct, I hung after 22 mins on hold.  FOr half the time there was no hold music which was weird, just an eery silence interrupted every once in a while by a robot voice guy.

This has been pretty grueling so far, but I'm going to keep trying until I hit an absolute wall.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2014, 03:00:20 PM »
Well, I finally got it all to work... whew.

Probably if I was familiar with pre-paid plans and such it would have been easier. 

Where I went wrong was Verizon or P+ told me at some point I didnt' need a PIN, just use my phone number.
I did have to get a PIN set up with Verizon.  Then I had to correct the PIN with P+.
Contacting P+ by phone takes about 25 mins, by livechat, 5-10 (both kind of long waits)

I basically did use the exlusive cellular page to submit my port and activation request.

This is a really weird deal.. I can only guess that P+ is not supposed to be activating Apple phones, but they get around it by maybe paying EC money for the activations they bring in.  That or EC is hopeing you buy refills from them.  Not sure. But it works fine.

I got activated on the $30 1200 min / 3000 text / 500 mb plan so now I'm saving $30 a month from Verizon's lowest prepaid plan which is $60.  If it works out my wife may switch too next month. 

So far the service is fine.
I'll have to use google voice number for texts or else I'd probably go over 3000.  I have wi-fi at work and home.

Thanks everyone for the help and the idea to do this in the first place! 
Didn't really know there was a better way until coming across MM and the IPD post.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2014, 05:52:15 PM »
This is a really weird deal.. I can only guess that P+ is not supposed to be activating Apple phones, but they get around it by maybe paying EC money for the activations they bring in.  That or EC is hopeing you buy refills from them.  Not sure. But it works fine.

(both of the quoted following posts you should have already read if you'd followed the links I'd provided earlier - I know it gets nested a bit, but I don't have the time to re-link and re-explain each and every time and I get tired of repeating myself, and it's always worth chasing down the rabbit hole reading my posts carefully and following links)

I'll always tow the official line. The dealers I've talked with have said things consistent with what I've been saying regarding "official" iPhone support, and they all point to Danny Scher at Page Plus corporate and his official line. Plenty of evidence online from dealers saying the same thing, too. That official word is that iPhones are not permitted for activation on the Page Plus network.

As for what Verizon phones will be eligible for activation with Page Plus, let's go over the relatively accepted "do not" list:
  • Do not try to activate any iPhones, there's an agreement between Apple, Verizon and Page Plus that is technically in effect banning them from use with P+. That said, some people have been able to bring over their iPhone 4/4S devices and even successfully activated them through Page Plus directly... just be aware that if they enforce this restriction and catch you, you'll lose your account, phone number, and will get the phone's ESN blacklisted.

If you still want to take your iPhone 4S to Page Plus despite the risks, stay mum on what it is, and activate over the phone (have your MEID handy).

I'll have to use google voice number for texts or else I'd probably go over 3000.  I have wi-fi at work and home.

Odds are, a majority of your texting is with one or two people, mostly your wife. It will be easier and use less data to just use one of the many SMS alternatives like Kik or XMS instead of dragging an extra phone number into the mix with Google Voice.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2014, 10:11:05 PM »

Yes.. I know that Page Plus doesn't officially support Iphones, I read that in your guide ... I was asking why and how "Exclusive Cellular" exists.  They do the ports and activations for free. I'm just a curious person, why would they do something for free? How do they get paid?  I'm just going out on a limb to say P+ may pay the somehow for bringing them activations since they are not supposed to activate iphones.

I didn't mention it but I did do the live chat the second (or third time, I lost count) and the operator said what's the make and model of your phone?

I was thinking should I tell her or not?!  I eventually Said Iphone 4S.  She said what's your MEID.  I gave it to her.  She finished the activation.

This was after I had submitted it through the third party page, they already had it in the system.

I must say P+ has pretty good customer service.. I mean it may take 10 mins to get someone on phone or chat, but they were able to straighten out the issues and get me set up fairly fast.

I keep trying to brag about my $30 iphone but no one's listening - "I'm on a contract"

I do get texts mainly from 2 people.. I will check out those apps...  have used similar before but they seem to be ever rotating as to what the latest SMS replacement is.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2014, 11:20:18 PM »
Yes.. I know that Page Plus doesn't officially support Iphones, I read that in your guide ... I was asking why and how "Exclusive Cellular" exists.  They do the ports and activations for free. I'm just a curious person, why would they do something for free? How do they get paid?  I'm just going out on a limb to say P+ may pay the somehow for bringing them activations since they are not supposed to activate iphones.

There's no kickbacks or anything (beyond normal dealer account agreements), they're just a dealer who's running afoul of the policies and agreements that Page Plus dealers are supposed to abide by. Most dealers who are caught openly activating iPhones on PP usually get their resellers license revoked... but that was pre-America Movil, just like the support you've dealt with. AM said they won't mess with support, but they said the same thing right after they bought out SIMple Mobile, too. That lasted six months before the service slid into the gutter. Who know what'll happen with the whole iPhone thing, maybe it'll officially get relaxed, stay the same in this legally gray nebulous zone, or they could axe everyone and blacklist the ESNs. It could go either way.

I do get texts mainly from 2 people.. I will check out those apps...  have used similar before but they seem to be ever rotating as to what the latest SMS replacement is.

Not really, the good ones are pretty consistent. Find a good one and stick with it. Kik and XMS both have excellent integration, stable clients, push notifications, and minimal data use.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 11:22:21 PM by I.P. Daley »


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2014, 08:58:06 PM »
Sorry to hijack the thread, but I have Verizon Prepaid and I saw the new $50 plan. I am on the $60 but don't need so much data. I tried to change plan online, but could only go up. Is the $50 plan just for new costumers or should I be able to switch to it?


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2014, 07:36:49 AM »
Can you put an Iphone5 on these plans?  Its paid off and owned and on Verizon right now. 


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2014, 08:13:46 AM »
Can you put an Iphone5 on these plans?  Its paid off and owned and on Verizon right now.

No, however the GSM slot is fully unlocked and you can take it to any GSM MVNO you like, such as Airvoice Wireless or P'tel.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2014, 08:27:54 AM »
I activated an iphone 4 on P+'s website after being told by a rep on the phone that he couldn't do it.

I also activated an iphone 5 from Verizon on Airvoice(GSM) with no issues. I used to get data to work.
IP is this the easiest way( from what you've found for iphone5 on gsm?


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2014, 02:28:23 PM »
I also activated an iphone 5 from Verizon on Airvoice(GSM) with no issues. I used to get data to work.
IP is this the easiest way( from what you've found for iphone5 on gsm?
That's what Airvoice told me to do to get my iPhone data to work.  Sure seemed easy to me.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2014, 12:01:25 AM »
I had to chime in here to clarify... you can use iPhone 4, 4s, and 5 on pageplus.  I've been using page plus for 8 years now. Since 2011 I've used an iPhone on pageplus.  For iPhone 4 and 4s there is not modifications necessary to activate on page plus.  iPhone 5 needs to be jailbroken.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2014, 09:15:24 PM »
I'm getting ready to take my iphone 5(originally from verizon) off airvoice and on to ATT but the att rep told me he couldn't port my number. He said it had something to do with the fact that att may own part of airvoice and they can't steal numbers from the limited pool of prepaid numbers in the system??? Any ideas? I was thinking about porting the number to page+ then going to the att store and have them do it off page+. Yes it'll cost me $10 to port and activation page+ but I want to keep the number. And after I switch to att my wife's work will cover the bill.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2014, 09:33:21 PM »
I'm getting ready to take my iphone 5(originally from verizon) off airvoice and on to ATT but the att rep told me he couldn't port my number. He said it had something to do with the fact that att may own part of airvoice and they can't steal numbers from the limited pool of prepaid numbers in the system??? Any ideas? I was thinking about porting the number to page+ then going to the att store and have them do it off page+. Yes it'll cost me $10 to port and activation page+ but I want to keep the number. And after I switch to att my wife's work will cover the bill.

Why do you need to port it to Page Plus? Why not another T-Mobile GSM based MVNO? Way cheaper, far easier.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2014, 09:43:18 PM »

Why do you need to port it to Page Plus? Why not another T-Mobile GSM based MVNO? Way cheaper, far easier.

IP can you go into a little more detail please?

My plan was to port my number to page+ on a dummy phone I already have and pay the $10 b/c that's the cheapest plan they have. Then go to att store and port to them using my iphone. I'm all for saving money.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2014, 10:45:05 PM »
Why do you need to port it to Page Plus? Why not another T-Mobile GSM based MVNO? Way cheaper, far easier.

IP can you go into a little more detail please?

Spot Mobile. Pick up a Spot Mobile SIM card for a buck off Ebay, activate their $5 PAYG plan with a number port. Pre-sized to stuff in the existing iPhone, 40% savings for a little patience. No phone switching. This will be handy as well, no matter who you pick.

That said, do be cautious. Number porting can sometimes result in a lost number. It's rare, but it happens.


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Re: Has anyone switched from Verizon to Page Plus with IPHONE 4S
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2014, 05:54:54 PM »
I ended up going with page+ b/c it needed to happen today. I had to purchase a plan to complete the port in process. However I didn't activate the pin on my plan and ported my number out right away to att. I'll use the pin I paid for on my mother-in-law's phone that's already on page+.

So all in all it was free to go with page+ b/c there was no activation, I have an old phone that works in their network and we provide the cell for my mother-in-law anyway.


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!