Author Topic: MMM blog post ?  (Read 2094 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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MMM blog post ?
« on: November 29, 2016, 07:40:06 PM »
I can not remember the overall topic but MMM had a blog entry where for a small part he talked about how he counted how many hours he spent outside. Then said something like that wasn't enough time and having a goal to spend more time outside...or something vaguely like that???
I've searched and can not find what post this was and it's making me bonkers trying to remember. Anybody know what post that was?


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Re: MMM blog post ?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2016, 03:22:48 AM »
I am a former teacher who accumulated a bunch of real estate, retired at 29, spent some time traveling the world full time and am now settled with three kids.
If you want to know more about me, this Business Insider profile tells the story pretty well.
I (rarely) blog at Check out the Now page to see what I'm up to currently.