Author Topic: Given a vehicle, what to do  (Read 2252 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Given a vehicle, what to do
« on: April 13, 2017, 08:23:18 AM »
We own a 2003 Vibe with 247k mi that I drive, a 2012 Sonic with 88k mi my husband drives, and we were just handed down a Prius with 144k mi.

We have two kids, 12 and 9.  Having two cars is basically a necessity given our jobs and metro-area.  My husband drives all around the city and works odd hours/days as well for his jobs.  I have a 7mi commute to my 8-5 job, while it is possible to bike or run and I do occasionally, it is not the greatest route.  All this to say, we’re at a point where having two cars makes our lives much easier. 

So what to do?  I feel silly having three cars (and their associated costs); it does not seem very mustachian.  The 2003 car is not in the best shape; it drives rougher than in its younger days.  I Kelly Blue Booked it, at most we could maybe get 1k through a private sell.  It is actually missing a few things <blush>: 1 door handle, gas cover door, 1 sun visor, so I’d be compelled to replace those before listing it –or is that not necessary? 

The other part, that I think is what is making this a more complicated decision, is that I really like the Vibe – the way it handles, the space, the satisfaction of 247k miles.  It seems worth more than 1k, lol!  And the driver’s seat of the Prius is actually really uncomfortable. 

So do I just need to sell the Vibe and get over my attachment?  Am I overlooking other options?  Thanks!

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Re: Given a vehicle, what to do
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2017, 08:33:49 AM »
Do you want to keep the Prius? Have you been obligated to keep it?


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Given a vehicle, what to do
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2017, 08:47:07 AM »
I *feel* obligated to keep it.  It was my FIL's car who moved out of state/no longer needed it.  My husband might consider me crazy if I suggested not keeping it.  Suggestions for presenting that option are welcome. 


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Re: Given a vehicle, what to do
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2017, 08:50:05 AM »
I think the easiest solution is to sell the Vibe as-is (no one shopping at a $1K price point will have room to complain about a missing visor) and drive the Prius instead. If you don't like it, can you and your husband switch cars? If you fundamentally don't like the Prius and don't want to drive it, well that is another issue all together.


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Re: Given a vehicle, what to do
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2017, 08:54:29 AM »
Sell it to me!

Just kidding.

The most frugal option would be to sell the Sonic to save on depreciation or the Vibe to save the gas. Priuses are supposedly the lowest maintenance cost car, and it's the most mustachian car of the 3. What year is the Prius? Batteries degrade with age, not miles. If it's really old and needs a new battery soon I probably wouldn't keep it. Does your husband feel comfortable in the driver seat of the Prius? If neither of you are comfortable in it then I wouldn't keep it for any reason.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Given a vehicle, what to do
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2017, 09:58:32 AM »
I really appreciate the responses so far. 

I would guess the Prius is a 2010 or 2011. I will double check.  I hadn't looked up the cost of replacement batteries, but I will definitely add that into the equation as I see that they are significant.

I also hadn't considered selling the Sonic.  But it actually does have a relatively decent resell value (it was bought prior me finding MMM, not my smartest move).  While both the Sonic and Vibe get decent gas mileage, the Prius is better - so DH using it might make the most sense, since he drives more.

I think I might take the Vibe into the mechanic and see what issues there may be, so I can consider those possible costs as well.  I do rely on it for getting me and the kids to where we need to go when DH is working some nights and weekends, and we're not to the cash flow point where replacing a car is not a burden.

Appreciate the peace of mind that the missing features of the Vibe likely wouldn't be a deal breaker if it is that is the car to go.  I've gotten to where I barely notice them, so I wasn't sure.


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Re: Given a vehicle, what to do
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2017, 10:08:46 AM »
It's always tough selling a gift. I still struggle with this. I received a gift I wanted SO badly two years ago. Sennheiser Momentums. $500 headphones (still worth that much). They're great headphones, and they do an excellent job. However, I also have Bose IE2s which are also excellent. Not a big enough of a difference for a non-audiophile, such as myself, to even realize.

With the debt I'm in, I know I should sell them, but the person that bought them for me (my mother), would probably be furious (and I can definitely see why).