This will at first sound not-similar, but it is! Our church shut down today because we (as a congregation) weren't donating enough to cover its expenses, which brought up for me essentially the same question:
How much to spend on something not physically necessary for me, but which brings wild amounts of peace, joy, happiness, clarity to my life? Where do we draw the line, and how?
Divvied up amongst members, every Sunday would require $30. I keep a reasonably lean budget, and skip luxuries like extra square footage, furniture, etc. So $30 for a one hour service and the option to request a pastoral care visit now and then sounds enormous to me. I've donated about half that amount over the year.
::Long pause in typing:: I just had a total epiphany. For a year I've been telling myself I don't have $30 to spend on something I know brings me clarity, joy, happiness, growth, etc. But I did spend $2000 on a personal growth class that I barely accessed (granted, this was before I found this church), and another $800 on a business support course that I also barely accessed.
So, apparently my thought process on funding my expensive hobbies is something along the lines of: Impulse spend on the growth courses that ask for it up front, thus leave very little for those I actually follow through on accessing. Argh.
Thanks for raising my consciousness with your question, ajmers! I see I need to reevaluate this piece, in order to entirely reverse my approach.