Author Topic: Frugal marijuana use?  (Read 17691 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Frugal marijuana use?
« on: August 07, 2018, 02:42:34 PM »

I'm a self-described stoner and recent Mustachian. I currently smoke a lot, every day in fact. I spend $300/month on weed and smoke about a quarter ounce a week. I use a pipe and a bong mainly but I do have a nice vape that I don't use as often.

 I just read the post about being frugal with alcohol, but I'm wondering what some good ground rules on marijuana use could be. Should it be about the same - consume an amount of weed that will get me good and baked once a week? Only smoke before bed? (I've come to depend on it to go to sleep). Smoke one day a week? I'd love to hear your tips about being frugal with weed and even tips on how to smoke less! No tips on how to stop smoking, please, I'm not there yet :P


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2018, 03:28:23 PM »
Our strategy has been to use a pipe we found in the park (probably ditched by some teenager), and have use infrequent enough that a quarter ounce lasts us multiple months until my sister-in-law visits and consumes it all herself in a weekend (she'll "share" it but her brand of sharing is smoke multiple times a day with no regard for how much she's consuming but offer us some every time).

When we use it, it's always a planned "event" and not just for the hell of it.  It's actually been quite a while now.  Yearly cost is probably low three digits.  Alcohol spending is around $50/yr for us, and we use a similar philosophy for that I suppose.

No judgement here, but relying on anything to fall asleep is surely problematic long-term.  Maybe start there.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2018, 03:30:33 PM »
The trick is to not smoke every day, so you don't build/keep a tolerance.  There's no way to be high every day and have it not be increasingly expensive, because it's going to keep taking more and more to get high.  You can switch to stronger methods of smoking (vaping, dabs), but it's still eventually going to take more again.  Only way to avoid this is to smoke seldom enough that your tolerance doesn't build.  Everyone will be different in this regard, but I can smoke a couple times a week and have an 1/8th last me a month.  Once what used to get you high doesn't anymore, you're starting down the spiral and you need to scale back.

People make fun of me for being a lightweight with smoking weed, and I say 'good, that means it's cheap', meanwhile they're spending hundreds or thousands (yes thousands) a month on weed.


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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2018, 03:34:43 PM »
I'm a self-described stoner and recent Mustachian. I currently smoke a lot, every day in fact. I spend $300/month on weed and smoke about a quarter ounce a week. I use a pipe and a bong mainly but I do have a nice vape that I don't use as often.

... what's your income?  Imagine if one of your friends was asking you the same question, saying they were spending $300/mo on alcohol.  Almost everyone would say, "Yeah, that's a problem."  Or the same on cigarettes.

If you're making $300k/yr, well, $300/mo probably isn't a big problem.  If you're making $30k/yr, you're literally spending over 10% of your takehome on something that goes up in smoke.  And, if you self describe as a "stoner," I'd wager you're not at the $300k/yr mark.

Set a budget, and then stick to it.  If that means smoking less, great.  If it means finding cheaper ways, fine.  But, seriously, that's a lot of pot to the head.  That can't be good for you.


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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2018, 07:05:07 PM »
Take a pot-free break at least one day a week, it will help reset your tolerance.

A small cigarette sized chillum should be adequate, if not, then lengthen your pot-free breaks.

Paul der Krake

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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2018, 07:18:30 PM »
I'm a self-described stoner and recent Mustachian. I currently smoke a lot, every day in fact. I spend $300/month on weed and smoke about a quarter ounce a week. I use a pipe and a bong mainly but I do have a nice vape that I don't use as often.

... what's your income?  Imagine if one of your friends was asking you the same question, saying they were spending $300/mo on alcohol.  Almost everyone would say, "Yeah, that's a problem."  Or the same on cigarettes.

If you're making $300k/yr, well, $300/mo probably isn't a big problem.  If you're making $30k/yr, you're literally spending over 10% of your takehome on something that goes up in smoke.  And, if you self describe as a "stoner," I'd wager you're not at the $300k/yr mark.

Set a budget, and then stick to it.  If that means smoking less, great.  If it means finding cheaper ways, fine.  But, seriously, that's a lot of pot to the head.  That can't be good for you.
4k per year in pot is too much pot, regardless of income. And this is coming from a high income earner who enjoys smoking pot!

OP needs to make deep cuts to his consumption, maybe shoot for twice a week max.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2018, 07:38:18 PM »
Where do you live when I lived in CO I was able to get $88 ounces if I went to one particular dispensary before noon.

If it’s illegal where you are, you probably have less of a chance to get deals tho.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2018, 08:02:44 PM »
I would definitely suggest taking a tolerance break or at least lowering the usage to where you don't need it to sleep. I've built up a tolerance like that before but with a week or two of minimal smoking I can fall asleep again normally and then 2 more weeks of nothing at all gives my body a full reset. Then I can go to space on 2 hits like my first time ;) If I was in your shoes I would try to back off the habitual style of smoking until you've reset your tolerance.

I do smoke almost everyday but I also drink coffee almost everyday.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  You're an adult so it's up to you to decide what usage is appropriate. I think if you reset your tolerance you should be able to pull your weed spending down to around $100 a month. Definitely vape more to conserve. I have an Arizer Air and 0.1 grams can get me buzzed-high 2 times.

My ground rules with any mind altering substance are to try and stay objective about the real impact it's having on my health and habits. If you're getting stoned to play video games for 5 hours every evening instead of working out then weed might be negatively impacting your life. If you smoke a little before the gym and while you cook a delicious dinner then weed is likely improving your life. Sometimes I'm the productive stoner and sometimes I'm not. As long as you don't go full cant-get-off-the-couch-stoner you're probably fine!

El Cheapo

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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2018, 08:03:07 PM »
If you're in a legal state, grow it.  An outdoor garden each year with your three plant quota will net you pounds for very little effort and cost.

Also, use the vape.  It's much more efficient, and you can use the vaped material for edibles. 

And as others have said, if you smoke less, you need less.  Take a 't-break' for a week or two from time to time.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2018, 08:18:54 PM »
I've been gradually smoking less over time and have almost quit now that I live with my partner. I used to smoke joints basically every day and more when I chilled with friends. Probably about an eighth a week. Then I switched to bowls, one or two a day, and I was down to about an eighth a month. Now I've only smoked twice in the past month and a half and only a little bit got me high. I think by gradually decreasing the amount and frequency and replacing the high activities with not high activities its possible to spend and smoke way less but enjoy it more when I do it. My thing was getting high, eating and watching tv. It was a waste of time and money and made me gain weight. Now I have more activities to do that don't involve weed and it's been a good change. Tracking how much you smoke, setting limits and not buying more than budgeted even if you run out early might help. You should also pinpoint why you want to slow down (money, health, etc) as that could help motivate you. Good luck!


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2018, 04:38:48 AM »
Replace the smoking for sleep with masturbation.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2018, 06:28:49 AM »
... what's your income?  Imagine if one of your friends was asking you the same question, saying they were spending $300/mo on alcohol.  Almost everyone would say, "Yeah, that's a problem."  Or the same on cigarettes.

If you're making $300k/yr, well, $300/mo probably isn't a big problem.  If you're making $30k/yr, you're literally spending over 10% of your takehome on something that goes up in smoke.  And, if you self describe as a "stoner," I'd wager you're not at the $300k/yr mark.

Set a budget, and then stick to it.  If that means smoking less, great.  If it means finding cheaper ways, fine.  But, seriously, that's a lot of pot to the head.  That can't be good for you.

I'm aware it's a lot, which is why I'm asking for advice! I make $72k currently and live in Cleveland, so I do have a lot of disposable income. I dream of what I could save if I could stash that money away instead of burning it (literally) on weed.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2018, 06:30:49 AM »

4k per year in pot is too much pot, regardless of income. And this is coming from a high income earner who enjoys smoking pot!

OP needs to make deep cuts to his consumption, maybe shoot for twice a week max.

I'm well aware it's too much pot, thanks. That's why I made this post. If you don't have any actual advice I'm not sure why you bothered replying. And I'm not a he.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2018, 06:31:17 AM »
Where do you live when I lived in CO I was able to get $88 ounces if I went to one particular dispensary before noon.

If it’s illegal where you are, you probably have less of a chance to get deals tho.

Unfortunately I live in Cleveland and it is not yet legal, so I am spending $300/ounce


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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2018, 07:24:57 AM »
Weed is a time thief, a motivation killer and a waste.   $300 a month!

Heres motivation for you....  take that $300 a month and invest it for 20 years, assuming 8% growth you'll have a little under $200,000.

I used to like smoking it though!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2018, 07:27:03 AM by Zola. »

Cool Friend

  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2018, 07:27:37 AM »
If you're in a legal state, grow it.  An outdoor garden each year with your three plant quota will net you pounds for very little effort and cost.

Also, use the vape.  It's much more efficient, and you can use the vaped material for edibles. 

And as others have said, if you smoke less, you need less.  Take a 't-break' for a week or two from time to time.

This this and this.  I'm not suggesting limiting your consumption for puritanical reasons; taking a t-break will help you save money and will make your highs better.  El Cheapo is right about the vape too, a lot of weed is wasted when you apply fire to it directly.  If you smoke before bed, don't try to get as high as you might during the day--you probably don't need as much as you think to get the sleep aid effects.

If you're used to sparking up whenever you feel like it, you might want to try appointing specific times of the day you do it.  There's a diminishing return in how much you smoke, so try riding out the high instead of frequently reupping.

I know a very frequent smoker who spends about $60 a month using the above methods, and he doesn't feel like he's being overly restricted from his devil's lettuce.  Hope this helps!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2018, 07:39:00 AM »
Weed is a time thief, a motivation killer and a waste.   $300 a month!

Heres motivation for you....  take that $300 a month and invest it for 20 years, assuming 8% growth you'll have a little under $200,000.

I used to like smoking it though!

Weed actually enriched my quality of life in many ways, just not enough to justify spending so much on it. I’m not quite at the point where far future gains are enough to motivate me to reduce my current consumption but I like seeing the math! That’s a lot of “green”! ;)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2018, 07:39:34 AM »
Replace the smoking for sleep with masturbation.

Now THIS idea I can get behind!


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2018, 07:42:10 AM »
I'm aware it's a lot, which is why I'm asking for advice! I make $72k currently and live in Cleveland, so I do have a lot of disposable income. I dream of what I could save if I could stash that money away instead of burning it (literally) on weed.

Your phrasing there makes me concerned that you have a problem. And that's not because it's weed - I'd have the same concern if it was cigarettes, or booze, or anything. If you find that you "need" weed - for any reason, that's not good. The key with any of these substances is that it's something you enjoy, but if for whatever reason it wasn't available, you'd shrug and move on with your day.

I recommend that you try not using weed in any form for a month. One full month. At the end of the month, sit down and reflect on how it went. How do you feel? How are you sleeping, hows your work, family, and social lives? Really honestly reflect. More than that, figure out the person who cares for you, wants the best for you, and will give you brutal truth when necessary. Ask them if they've noticed anything different about you over that month.

Once you've done that, then decide what level of consumption you're ok with, both personally and budget wise. Then stick to it.


  • Bristles
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2018, 07:52:55 AM »
During the week, maybe try replacing the pot with CBD oil for sleep?  May or may not work, but it is commonly used for insomnia.  I see two potential benefits:

1 - It's legal, so you benefit from price competition.  It's still going to cost money, but quite possibly less than the pot you are currently buying.
2 - Because it doesn't have the THC, you'll be taking a break from that during the week, so you'll need less pot to get high when you are actually trying to do so.

Paul der Krake

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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2018, 08:01:13 AM »

4k per year in pot is too much pot, regardless of income. And this is coming from a high income earner who enjoys smoking pot!

OP needs to make deep cuts to his consumption, maybe shoot for twice a week max.

I'm well aware it's too much pot, thanks. That's why I made this post. If you don't have any actual advice I'm not sure why you bothered replying. And I'm not a he.
"Smoke less pot" is literally the only advice worth listening to when you burn $300/month on pot! The details of when and where and why and how don't matter, just smoke less of it. If you can do that without any addiction psychological tricks, great, if not, that's fine too, whatever gets you to less. Try for twice a week, say, Sunday and Wednesday afternoon, and see what happens.

Good luck.


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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2018, 08:32:58 AM »
Pot can be kinda emotionally charged, so I've mentally replaced 'pot' with 'coffee'.  But the same conclusion keeps popping up.

If you're drinking too much coffee, stop drinking so much coffee.  It can get expensive.  If you feel like it's necessary to drink coffee to get through life, really re-examine what's going on that is causing this dependence on caffeine.


  • Stubble
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2018, 08:38:58 AM »

4k per year in pot is too much pot, regardless of income. And this is coming from a high income earner who enjoys smoking pot!

OP needs to make deep cuts to his consumption, maybe shoot for twice a week max.

I'm well aware it's too much pot, thanks. That's why I made this post. If you don't have any actual advice I'm not sure why you bothered replying. And I'm not a he.

What 'actual advice' are you expecting, making a daily sacrifice to the sun god to grant you willpower or for someone to hypnotize you office space style? If you want to smoke less pot, then smoke less pot.  It's real simple.

Cool Friend

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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2018, 08:53:13 AM »

4k per year in pot is too much pot, regardless of income. And this is coming from a high income earner who enjoys smoking pot!

OP needs to make deep cuts to his consumption, maybe shoot for twice a week max.

I'm well aware it's too much pot, thanks. That's why I made this post. If you don't have any actual advice I'm not sure why you bothered replying. And I'm not a he.

What 'actual advice' are you expecting, making a daily sacrifice to the sun god to grant you willpower or for someone to hypnotize you office space style? If you want to smoke less pot, then smoke less pot.  It's real simple.

If you read some of the responses, you'll see that there are strategies to help cut down.  It's sort of like how this website isn't just a plaintext page that says "spend less money," even though that's ultimately what it boils down to.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2018, 09:20:04 AM »
Where do you live when I lived in CO I was able to get $88 ounces if I went to one particular dispensary before noon.

If it’s illegal where you are, you probably have less of a chance to get deals tho.

Unfortunately I live in Cleveland and it is not yet legal, so I am spending $300/ounce
So it's illegal, but you are still buying/smoking it. You should still grow your own. Even if you grew just 1 plant indoors in a closet it would cut back the amount you have to buy. Combine that with the strategies already added around cutting back/reducing tolerance and you will be in much better shape.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2018, 09:30:22 AM »

4k per year in pot is too much pot, regardless of income. And this is coming from a high income earner who enjoys smoking pot!

OP needs to make deep cuts to his consumption, maybe shoot for twice a week max.

I'm well aware it's too much pot, thanks. That's why I made this post. If you don't have any actual advice I'm not sure why you bothered replying. And I'm not a he.

What 'actual advice' are you expecting, making a daily sacrifice to the sun god to grant you willpower or for someone to hypnotize you office space style? If you want to smoke less pot, then smoke less pot.  It's real simple.

There's plenty of actual advice on this thread. Do you smoke pot regularly? If not, then this post isn't for you. It's obviously not as simple as "smoke less pot" or I would just do that. Take your sanctimony elsewhere.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2018, 09:32:17 AM »
I'm aware it's a lot, which is why I'm asking for advice! I make $72k currently and live in Cleveland, so I do have a lot of disposable income. I dream of what I could save if I could stash that money away instead of burning it (literally) on weed.

Your phrasing there makes me concerned that you have a problem. And that's not because it's weed - I'd have the same concern if it was cigarettes, or booze, or anything. If you find that you "need" weed - for any reason, that's not good. The key with any of these substances is that it's something you enjoy, but if for whatever reason it wasn't available, you'd shrug and move on with your day.

I recommend that you try not using weed in any form for a month. One full month. At the end of the month, sit down and reflect on how it went. How do you feel? How are you sleeping, hows your work, family, and social lives? Really honestly reflect. More than that, figure out the person who cares for you, wants the best for you, and will give you brutal truth when necessary. Ask them if they've noticed anything different about you over that month.

Once you've done that, then decide what level of consumption you're ok with, both personally and budget wise. Then stick to it.

Oh I'm well aware that I have a problem. I'm physically and psychologically dependent on it, I've admitted that. It's not quite as simple as "just stop smoking" for a month, and you'll notice I specified that I didn't want that kind of advice. I am looking for ways to be more frugal with my weed usage, like using economical vapes or using a pill case to track how much you use.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2018, 09:33:24 AM »
During the week, maybe try replacing the pot with CBD oil for sleep?  May or may not work, but it is commonly used for insomnia.  I see two potential benefits:

1 - It's legal, so you benefit from price competition.  It's still going to cost money, but quite possibly less than the pot you are currently buying.
2 - Because it doesn't have the THC, you'll be taking a break from that during the week, so you'll need less pot to get high when you are actually trying to do so.

Very good idea! I've heard a lot about CBD but haven't ventured into it yet. I should try that on weekdays.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2018, 09:34:39 AM »
Pot can be kinda emotionally charged, so I've mentally replaced 'pot' with 'coffee'.  But the same conclusion keeps popping up.

If you're drinking too much coffee, stop drinking so much coffee.  It can get expensive.  If you feel like it's necessary to drink coffee to get through life, really re-examine what's going on that is causing this dependence on caffeine.

Of course the solution is "stop smoking as much pot". I already know that. Just like the solution to having more money is "stop spending as much money". I'm looking for implementable ways to do so.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2018, 09:36:25 AM »
I'm aware it's a lot, which is why I'm asking for advice! I make $72k currently and live in Cleveland, so I do have a lot of disposable income. I dream of what I could save if I could stash that money away instead of burning it (literally) on weed.

Your phrasing there makes me concerned that you have a problem. And that's not because it's weed - I'd have the same concern if it was cigarettes, or booze, or anything. If you find that you "need" weed - for any reason, that's not good. The key with any of these substances is that it's something you enjoy, but if for whatever reason it wasn't available, you'd shrug and move on with your day.

I recommend that you try not using weed in any form for a month. One full month. At the end of the month, sit down and reflect on how it went. How do you feel? How are you sleeping, hows your work, family, and social lives? Really honestly reflect. More than that, figure out the person who cares for you, wants the best for you, and will give you brutal truth when necessary. Ask them if they've noticed anything different about you over that month.

Once you've done that, then decide what level of consumption you're ok with, both personally and budget wise. Then stick to it.

Oh I'm well aware that I have a problem. I'm physically and psychologically dependent on it, I've admitted that. It's not quite as simple as "just stop smoking" for a month, and you'll notice I specified that I didn't want that kind of advice. I am looking for ways to be more frugal with my weed usage, like using economical vapes or using a pill case to track how much you use.

Ok, then. The first step is recognizing there's a problem. So, please, for your sake (health, finances, maintaining friends and family relationships, good job, legally, whatever!), get help. There is help available for people with dependency issues. Please get help, before something in your life blows up. This is not about the money. This is about you, and your future, more broadly. The money is just a symptom.


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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #30 on: August 08, 2018, 09:39:06 AM »
Honestly, given that you already know that you're dependent on it, I would suggest that just cutting back isn't going to help that much.  You'll be spending less, but also not getting the effects you need.  I honestly thing that resetting, not smoking at all for a 2 weeks or 1 month, and then seeing how you feel, is your best bet.  Yes, it'll be very hard, and you'll need a lot of willpower to get through.  But we wouldn't be telling an alcoholic to just keep it to one glass of wine with dinner and a few beers on the weekend, we'd be telling them to get help, support groups, therapy, etc.


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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2018, 09:42:19 AM »
Since you mentioned depending on it to sleep, I think investing some time in learning how to sleep without it will help you cut down. It can be as simple as proper sleep hygeine (avoiding devices before bed, setting a relaxing routine, avoiding caffeine after noon, etc.) or as complicated as a new diet and exercise routine or even therapy. Once you find something that works (and, as a fellow insomniac, I can tell you this takes time and perseverence), you'll be able to skip days, even several days in a row. This will result in spending less money on weed and probably getting a better high when you use it (that I can't vouch for, but should be true of anything you can build a tolerance to).


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2018, 09:45:19 AM »
Since I don't smoke, I've mentally replaced "marijuana" with "alcohol", since that's my vice I struggle to moderate on. (No moral issues with it though, just don't handle it well- I live in Oregon though, where's its legal and common, so I well and truly don't care if someone does use!) First, try not to get so defensive- this forum literally brags about giving "facepunches" to people. So, some people will be harsh and direct and may not give the type of advice you prefer. That's just part of this community, like it or not. =\

As for my advice: maybe start a thread on "Throw Down the Gauntlet"? There's currently one on giving up booze that a bunch of us are participating in. I think you'd find more people trying to cut back then you might expect! I always find the community and 'creative solutions' aspects to help me stick to my guns.

Since you mentioned depending on it to sleep, I think investing some time in learning how to sleep without it will help you cut down. It can be as simple as proper sleep hygeine (avoiding devices before bed, setting a relaxing routine, avoiding caffeine after noon, etc.) or as complicated as a new diet and exercise routine or even therapy. Once you find something that works (and, as a fellow insomniac, I can tell you this takes time and perseverence), you'll be able to skip days, even several days in a row. This will result in spending less money on weed and probably getting a better high when you use it (that I can't vouch for, but should be true of anything you can build a tolerance to).

This is also a great idea. I had severe insomnia for a long time, and good sleep hygiene is KEY. I do the whole shebang- avoiding blue light before bed, dark room, cool room, strict routines, etc.


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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2018, 09:50:30 AM »
I am looking for ways to be more frugal with my weed usage, like using economical vapes or using a pill case to track how much you use.

First set a budget for the month, and when you've spent that much and are out of weed, you make yourself go the rest of the month sober.  It'll suck, but it will make you a) find better ways to stretch it next month, and b) the forced break will help your tolerance a bit so the next month you'll need less.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2018, 09:51:30 AM »
Honestly, given that you already know that you're dependent on it, I would suggest that just cutting back isn't going to help that much.  You'll be spending less, but also not getting the effects you need.  I honestly thing that resetting, not smoking at all for a 2 weeks or 1 month, and then seeing how you feel, is your best bet.  Yes, it'll be very hard, and you'll need a lot of willpower to get through.  But we wouldn't be telling an alcoholic to just keep it to one glass of wine with dinner and a few beers on the weekend, we'd be telling them to get help, support groups, therapy, etc.

Alcohol is a very different drug than weed, so I do believe the advice differs. However, you are correct - stopping would be the best course of action. Unfortunately I am not ready to make that big of a change in my lifestyle. I will try to take a tolerance break for a week and see how I feel.


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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2018, 09:52:06 AM »
I am looking for ways to be more frugal with my weed usage, like using economical vapes or using a pill case to track how much you use.

First set a budget for the month, and when you've spent that much and are out of weed, you make yourself go the rest of the month sober.  It'll suck, but it will make you a) find better ways to stretch it next month, and b) the forced break will help your tolerance a bit so the next month you'll need less.

I think that's what I'm going to do for the rest of the month. Thank you!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #36 on: August 08, 2018, 09:52:52 AM »
Since you mentioned depending on it to sleep, I think investing some time in learning how to sleep without it will help you cut down. It can be as simple as proper sleep hygeine (avoiding devices before bed, setting a relaxing routine, avoiding caffeine after noon, etc.) or as complicated as a new diet and exercise routine or even therapy. Once you find something that works (and, as a fellow insomniac, I can tell you this takes time and perseverence), you'll be able to skip days, even several days in a row. This will result in spending less money on weed and probably getting a better high when you use it (that I can't vouch for, but should be true of anything you can build a tolerance to).

Very good advice. I've recently started exercising again so this might be the perfect time to also work on my sleep.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #37 on: August 08, 2018, 09:54:16 AM »
I am looking for ways to be more frugal with my weed usage, like using economical vapes or using a pill case to track how much you use.

First set a budget for the month, and when you've spent that much and are out of weed, you make yourself go the rest of the month sober.  It'll suck, but it will make you a) find better ways to stretch it next month, and b) the forced break will help your tolerance a bit so the next month you'll need less.

Yeah, you could easily apply "grocery budget" principals here.
-Find a way to get it cheaper
-If you can't get it cheaper, get less
-When you're out of money in the budget category, get creative instead. Trades, grow it yourself, make the last bits last, or failing that-
-Go without until the budget category resets.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #38 on: August 08, 2018, 09:54:22 AM »
I'm aware it's a lot, which is why I'm asking for advice! I make $72k currently and live in Cleveland, so I do have a lot of disposable income. I dream of what I could save if I could stash that money away instead of burning it (literally) on weed.

Your phrasing there makes me concerned that you have a problem. And that's not because it's weed - I'd have the same concern if it was cigarettes, or booze, or anything. If you find that you "need" weed - for any reason, that's not good. The key with any of these substances is that it's something you enjoy, but if for whatever reason it wasn't available, you'd shrug and move on with your day.

I recommend that you try not using weed in any form for a month. One full month. At the end of the month, sit down and reflect on how it went. How do you feel? How are you sleeping, hows your work, family, and social lives? Really honestly reflect. More than that, figure out the person who cares for you, wants the best for you, and will give you brutal truth when necessary. Ask them if they've noticed anything different about you over that month.

Once you've done that, then decide what level of consumption you're ok with, both personally and budget wise. Then stick to it.

Oh I'm well aware that I have a problem. I'm physically and psychologically dependent on it, I've admitted that. It's not quite as simple as "just stop smoking" for a month, and you'll notice I specified that I didn't want that kind of advice. I am looking for ways to be more frugal with my weed usage, like using economical vapes or using a pill case to track how much you use.

Ok, then. The first step is recognizing there's a problem. So, please, for your sake (health, finances, maintaining friends and family relationships, good job, legally, whatever!), get help. There is help available for people with dependency issues. Please get help, before something in your life blows up. This is not about the money. This is about you, and your future, more broadly. The money is just a symptom.

I am getting help. I am in therapy and I'm researching ways to cut back on my usage. This post is part of my getting help.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #39 on: August 08, 2018, 09:56:33 AM »
Since I don't smoke, I've mentally replaced "marijuana" with "alcohol", since that's my vice I struggle to moderate on. (No moral issues with it though, just don't handle it well- I live in Oregon though, where's its legal and common, so I well and truly don't care if someone does use!) First, try not to get so defensive- this forum literally brags about giving "facepunches" to people. So, some people will be harsh and direct and may not give the type of advice you prefer. That's just part of this community, like it or not. =\

As for my advice: maybe start a thread on "Throw Down the Gauntlet"? There's currently one on giving up booze that a bunch of us are participating in. I think you'd find more people trying to cut back then you might expect! I always find the community and 'creative solutions' aspects to help me stick to my guns.

Since you mentioned depending on it to sleep, I think investing some time in learning how to sleep without it will help you cut down. It can be as simple as proper sleep hygeine (avoiding devices before bed, setting a relaxing routine, avoiding caffeine after noon, etc.) or as complicated as a new diet and exercise routine or even therapy. Once you find something that works (and, as a fellow insomniac, I can tell you this takes time and perseverence), you'll be able to skip days, even several days in a row. This will result in spending less money on weed and probably getting a better high when you use it (that I can't vouch for, but should be true of anything you can build a tolerance to).

This is also a great idea. I had severe insomnia for a long time, and good sleep hygiene is KEY. I do the whole shebang- avoiding blue light before bed, dark room, cool room, strict routines, etc.

I'm new to the forums and will definitely have to develop a thicker skin. I respond best to compassion, not judgment, as I'm sure is true for most of us, but I'll have to adjust.

My sleep hygiene is terrible and is definitely a good place to start. Will definitely check out the other thread! Thank you.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #40 on: August 08, 2018, 09:58:56 AM »
I honestly thing that resetting, not smoking at all for a 2 weeks or 1 month, and then seeing how you feel, is your best bet.  Yes, it'll be very hard, and you'll need a lot of willpower to get through.

I was a multiple-times-a-day user for several years and just stopped. No real withdrawal symptoms although I did have some wacky dreams for about a month after. The only "willpower" I had to use was for the first week or so I would think, "normally I would smoke right about now because I'm about to do X" (where X is... write, go to gym, hang with friends, etc) and then I would just not smoke, and do X anyway. After about a week it became the new normal. I never experienced cravings or anything, just habituation. I stopped because I realized I was just getting slightly high all the time and living my life normally, and I can just live my life normally and not be high all the time. Also I noticed it was taking more weed to get high. I also noticed I was starting to use it as a method of escapism which I didn't like either.

To OP, IDK about you but my use was multiple very small hits per day and that seemed to do it. Didn't really get me super-stoned but enough to get the creative juices flowing or make vacuuming the house more interesting. Even smoking up 1-4x per day an 8th would last me over a month.  It would be like a very small pack on a small spoon-style bowl or a vaporgenie (similar size). Vaping is much more efficient and better for you. I would go with others and recommend a tolerance break. When you go back, try using a much smaller amount than you are probably used to.  I guess it depends what effect you are after, and that everyone is a bit different in their response to it, but I like the creative stimulation side of things rather than the couch-lock side of things so a small bowl pretty much only half-packed does the trick for me.

I learned that while it can help you FALL asleep, marijuana use actually messes with your sleep cycles which, from what I've learned, basically reduces the deep, restorative sleep phase. This is part of the reason I took a break, I was having a lot of other sleep related problems and wanted to take that out of the equation. Have you tried melatonin for a few days? If you dose it correctly (a very small amount) and actually get into bed when you take it I've found it works pretty well.


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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #41 on: August 08, 2018, 10:02:01 AM »
Pot can be kinda emotionally charged, so I've mentally replaced 'pot' with 'coffee'.  But the same conclusion keeps popping up.

If you're drinking too much coffee, stop drinking so much coffee.  It can get expensive.  If you feel like it's necessary to drink coffee to get through life, really re-examine what's going on that is causing this dependence on caffeine.

Of course the solution is "stop smoking as much pot". I already know that. Just like the solution to having more money is "stop spending as much money". I'm looking for implementable ways to do so.


Try a tapering approach where you gradually reduce consumption over a month or two until you're barely smoking any at all.

Try to figure out the triggers in your life that are leading to over-consumption of the drug and eliminate them.  This could mean you don't hang out with certain people, that you figure out ways to reduce stress in your life, change sleeping habits, etc.

Try to find new hobbies or changes to routine to shake things up a little bit . . . people are creatures of habit, and your current habits lead to lots of pot consumption.  You need to do different things (for a while at least).


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #42 on: August 08, 2018, 10:05:04 AM »
Pot can be kinda emotionally charged, so I've mentally replaced 'pot' with 'coffee'.  But the same conclusion keeps popping up.

If you're drinking too much coffee, stop drinking so much coffee.  It can get expensive.  If you feel like it's necessary to drink coffee to get through life, really re-examine what's going on that is causing this dependence on caffeine.

Of course the solution is "stop smoking as much pot". I already know that. Just like the solution to having more money is "stop spending as much money". I'm looking for implementable ways to do so.


Try a tapering approach where you gradually reduce consumption over a month or two until you're barely smoking any at all.

Try to figure out the triggers in your life that are leading to over-consumption of the drug and eliminate them.  This could mean you don't hang out with certain people, that you figure out ways to reduce stress in your life, change sleeping habits, etc.

Try to find new hobbies or changes to routine to shake things up a little bit . . . people are creatures of habit, and your current habits lead to lots of pot consumption.  You need to do different things (for a while at least).

Part of it is that my partner also smokes as much as I do so it's difficult to not smoke with him. I've recently started a new job and going to the gym and that has reduced my consumption considerably already. Gotta make some changes to my evening routine, though, because after a long day of work all I really wanna do is veg out on the couch with Netflix and my bowl. Thanks!


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #43 on: August 08, 2018, 10:07:55 AM »
Pot can be kinda emotionally charged, so I've mentally replaced 'pot' with 'coffee'.  But the same conclusion keeps popping up.

If you're drinking too much coffee, stop drinking so much coffee.  It can get expensive.  If you feel like it's necessary to drink coffee to get through life, really re-examine what's going on that is causing this dependence on caffeine.

Of course the solution is "stop smoking as much pot". I already know that. Just like the solution to having more money is "stop spending as much money". I'm looking for implementable ways to do so.


Try a tapering approach where you gradually reduce consumption over a month or two until you're barely smoking any at all.

Try to figure out the triggers in your life that are leading to over-consumption of the drug and eliminate them.  This could mean you don't hang out with certain people, that you figure out ways to reduce stress in your life, change sleeping habits, etc.

Try to find new hobbies or changes to routine to shake things up a little bit . . . people are creatures of habit, and your current habits lead to lots of pot consumption.  You need to do different things (for a while at least).

Changes in routine is a strong one. I know the key times I've been able to radically overhaul habits has been when I've moved.


  • Stubble
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #44 on: August 08, 2018, 10:09:04 AM »

4k per year in pot is too much pot, regardless of income. And this is coming from a high income earner who enjoys smoking pot!

OP needs to make deep cuts to his consumption, maybe shoot for twice a week max.

I'm well aware it's too much pot, thanks. That's why I made this post. If you don't have any actual advice I'm not sure why you bothered replying. And I'm not a he.

What 'actual advice' are you expecting, making a daily sacrifice to the sun god to grant you willpower or for someone to hypnotize you office space style? If you want to smoke less pot, then smoke less pot.  It's real simple.

There's plenty of actual advice on this thread. Do you smoke pot regularly? If not, then this post isn't for you. It's obviously not as simple as "smoke less pot" or I would just do that. Take your sanctimony elsewhere.

I used to.  I also used to drink a lot of beer, and smoked cigarettes.

I quit cigarettes by not smoking them, cut down on beer by drinking once a week at most, and cut down on pot by smoking less and saying no thanks if someone else offered.  Currently I have 2 beers in my fridge and probably two or three joints worth of pot on my coffee table, but since I realize that partaking in these things all the time is costly and doesn't align with my life goals I just don't do it constantly.

Most people I've seen who quit things or cut down on them by replacing the activity with a strategy or new activity just go back to it in a few months.  The only real way is to develop willpower. 


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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #45 on: August 08, 2018, 10:14:07 AM »
Gotta make some changes to my evening routine, though, because after a long day of work all I really wanna do is veg out on the couch with Netflix and my bowl.

So, the thing I had to do when I wanted to start being more productive after work was not sit down when I got home.  I mean that literally, like not even to take off my shoes.  If I sat down to take my shoes off, I'd sit there 'just for a couple minutes' or my roommate's watching tv and 'oh I like this episode' then I'm done for.  Walk in the door and immediately start doing something.  Put dishes away, anything.  Even better is to not go home.  If you have things you want to do (gym, errands, hike), don't go home first, the chances of getting back out of the house are <100%.


  • Stubble
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #46 on: August 08, 2018, 10:29:31 AM »
No tips on how to stop smoking, please, I'm not there yet :P

Sorry, but I would quit.  Get outside and take a walk, bike, or get some other form of exercise.  Feel the warm sun on your face.  Start today.  A little exercise does wonders.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #47 on: August 08, 2018, 10:43:05 AM »
No tips on how to stop smoking, please, I'm not there yet :P

Sorry, but I would quit.  Get outside and take a walk, bike, or get some other form of exercise.  Feel the warm sun on your face.  Start today.  A little exercise does wonders.

Smoking a bowl of killer indica right before heading out to surf the big sets rolling in here does WONDERS for me. The key here is "a" bowl, not 15. In pharmacology, we target the MINIMUM dose required to achieve the desired outcome (pharmacodynamic effect; whether that be topical, oral, systemic dose administration) for virtually any and every disease/disorder/maladie. I apply this principle in my profession as well as for my own medicinal needs, whether that be aspirin, pain meds, etc, but especially for cannabis. If 1 bowl gets me there, then no need for 2 or 3 or 4.....

I'm a chronic cannabis consumer, but due to titrating my dose all the way down to the minimum required, my total monthly consumption is well below 1/8 of an oz (varies between 2-3 gm / month).

Going through most of the day/week "un-high" makes those judicious KGB moments all the more enjoyable. And my yearly cannabis costs are trivial at 2g/month. ymmv


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #48 on: August 08, 2018, 10:53:31 AM »
No tips on how to stop smoking, please, I'm not there yet :P

Sorry, but I would quit.  Get outside and take a walk, bike, or get some other form of exercise.  Feel the warm sun on your face.  Start today.  A little exercise does wonders.

Do you know how addiction works? It's not as simple as "just quit".


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Re: Frugal marijuana use?
« Reply #49 on: August 08, 2018, 10:55:45 AM »
I thought that pot was less addictive than caffeine?