I had a gum graft done on one of my lower incisors, alongside a wisdom tooth removal. It was totally fine. The surgery itself was quick and easy -- definitely less scary than I expected. They go in, give you the local anesthetic, snip some skin off the roof of your mouth, place it over the tooth root, put a stitch or two in to hold it, and then you leave! I had a housemate pick me up, just because I was nervous about the whole thing and didn't want to be responsible for getting myself home, but I would have been fine driving.
Afterwards, it was a few days of some pain, but nothing terrible; they gave me some 325mg acetaminophen+hydrocodone pills and I think I took maybe five of them, for the combo of the graft + the tooth. Menu was foods that wouldn't poke or dislodge the graft; because mine was on an incisor, I was explicitly banned from biting into apples. ;) I was told not to brush the graft area until they took the stitch out, but otherwise did my usual cleaning routine.
I didn't take any time off work -- I actually went back into work right after the surgery. I definitely suggest taking a few days off from strenuous exercise like serious weightlifting, though. You need to give your body a few days to focus on healing and assimilating the new bit of gum, instead of also trying to heal and develop your muscles, and your periodontist may have specific recommendations regarding blood flow as well (different for grafts than e.g. a wisdom tooth, but still). If you're good at listening to your body, you'll be able to tease out when is a good time to go back, but if you regularly push yourself too far -- give yourself longer than you think.