I'm not yet at full FIRE numbers, but I'm thinking of taking a little sabbatical before trying a different career. One of the suggestions on the pre-FIRE checklist is to get any elective medical stuff done while you have the insurance. My job has an extremely generous sick leave policy of accruing one day per month, and I have about 38 days accrued that will NOT be paid out when I leave.
I haven't talked to my job about it yet, but I'm in the beginning testing stages of trying to donate my kidney, which is expected to have at least a 2-week at-home recovery time after surgery. It's technically elective, but also covered under my state's FMLA leave laws. From what I can tell, FMLA has "return to work" provisions that protect the employee (employer must hold the job open), but I don't see anything saying how long I have to work after coming back from FMLA leave. If my employer is cool with me just taking my paid sick time without having to go through the FMLA paperwork that's nice, but the FMLA is a good backstop if they say that it's "elective" and deny my request. Ideally I'd take my medical leave, come back, and then give a few weeks notice to button things up.
If you've planned an elective medical leave before leaving a job, how did it go? It's an at-will position so I suppose I can technically quit without notice at any time (I'd rather be more considerate than that), but has anyone ever heard of an employer trying to claw back medical leave/benefits payment? Thank you!