I'm a recent college grad and just got my first full-time job as a salaried employee making $25,000/year (before taxes). The benefit is that unlike a lot of my peers, I'm actually working in my field. The disadvantage, I could actually make more money if I went to work at the Ben & Jerry's down the road. I've been considering getting a second job on the weekends only (as I work a minimum of 9-6, but often 8:30-8 at my current job) but want to know if it is worth it.
My current salary breaks down as follows: about $1595/month after taxes. I contribute $100/month to a 403B account, and $35/month for public transit pass (my company picks up the other half of this transportation cost but does not match the 403B contribution). Rent is $900/month, I spend about $80 in groceries, $30 on utilities (heat and hot water are included in rent, so this is a high month of electric), and $30 on internet. I would like to continue to take dance classes, a rather ivy-league childhood activity by mustachian standards that started when I was 3, but I've grown to love, and this costs me $150 for 10 classes, which is 5 weeks at twice a week, or what I like to stretch to two months by going to class three times every two weeks (so $75/month). This leaves me with $345/month. I figure I need some incidental money, but don't spend more than $5-10 a week (max). Most weeks I don't actually spend any money outside of the pre-determined expenses listed above. But say $20/month just to be safe. This leaves $325/month for savings. Right now, I've just been putting this into my general savings account, with a low, but not bad, interest rate. There's probably a better place for investing, but I have little to no savings at the moment and thought it would be better to build something in the bank before taking on investments with a higher risk association. I'd like to be able to put away more money for future goals (I'm looking to go to grad school in a few years, and would like to do some traveling before then) but would also like to save for future early retirement. I've consistently held a seasonal employment throughout my undergrad and have some decent experience with it so was thinking the same for the coming holiday season, and possibly just looking for a second job in general. Ideally, all income from the second job would be saved. Is the second job worth it, to save more money for the future, even though it means I will be drastically reducing the amount of free time I have now?