Paula Pant's "Afford Anything"
"Mile High FI"
"Millionaires Unveiled"
"Choose FI"
"Earn & Invest"
"Friends On FIRE"
"White Coat Investor" (oriented towards medical /dental professionals)
and Mad Fientist's "Financial Independence Podcast" is good, though he's all but stopped posting. Same for "Bitches Get Riches".
I used to love "Listen Money Matters", though have been away from this awhile.
I love FI podcasts!
I am kinda new to the whole podcast thing. Where do you go to find them?
Find a phone app whose interface you like and use the search function. I use AntennaPod. For iPhones I suppose iTunes is the default? Not sure on that one.
You can subscribe to podcasts so that you get automatic updates for new episodes. My settings don't download everything automatically; I stream what I want to listen to over WiFi only, OR download selected episodes while on WiFi if I'll be away from it later (like on a walk).
That way, I don't fill up my storage and don't pay for streaming over data.
Podcasts are an incredible resource on a zillion subjects. Have fun!