One of the things MMM is enthusiastically against is expensive phones with expensive data plans. I wanted to get y'all's opinion on if my situation could be called an exception.
I have an expensive smart phone, though not the MOST expensive because that was insane. I bought it with cash because the idea of making payments on a PHONE hurt my brain even before Mustachianism took over. I also pay about $30 to $50 per month for data (I dither back and forth about which plan I need.) lumped in with a family plan with my parents. The fact that I'm 28 and my parents live in a different city doesn't bother the phone company, so I'll take the discount! This relatively "low" data plan means I can't stream video without worrying about hitting my data limit, but this restriction has predictably improved life.
Now: is this a justifiable expense, given that this is INSTEAD OF any sort of home internet? I have an old laptop from my college days I occasionally play old games on, but other than that this phone is my only computer and internet. On the rare occasion I need more I go to a library or similar. I also have no TV or netflix or anything like that, of course. So, I'm spending more on phone than most mustacians, but am I spending more once you include TV and other internet?
P.S. l hope this didn't post multiple times! The page kept freezing when I hit "post".