2013 data, but this map gets you close to what you are looking for.
No, but this map is very interesting! I live within a mile or two of census blocks with average household net worth $12,000 and of $153,000.
Strongly agree with the don't-let-comparisons-get-you-down sentiment, though.
Think of it this way. Everyone is the star in their own show. The neighbors don't care about you much anyway, except as a prop, so don't buy fancy things because of them.
Still, let's analyze comparatively since that's your initial thought. Other people bought fancy props. You are buying the ability to write your future scripts. FOMO is Madison Avenue's way of turning the human capacity to relate into a manipulative trick. Mad Ave is in turn a mere tool of Wall Street, which is in turn... your tool, as an investor. Don't be hurt by your own employees.
The neighbors' toys would not bring you happiness, only make other people jealous. Be you. If you want to be sure you're richer than your neighbors, move to a poorer block. That wasn't my intent, but I've lived the last couple decades closer to the 12k people than the 153k ones. No pressure to keep up with the Joneses. I'm richer than either group but on a lot of days you couldn't tell by watching.
Science, old people, and people on their deathbeds (I've known several recently...) all say that relationships bring much more joy than things. I don't actually recommend moving as a way to remedy feelings. A better suggestion would be to focus on relationships - with spouses, friends, neighbors, coworkers, community members. You'll probably forget all about who has the prettier car if your day consists of finding ways to enrich these relationships.