A bit of background, I have spent the last seven years working for very large corporations and wanted to get back into a much smaller company. Last year, we investigated moving to a different province, had interviews, received offers, looked at homes. Ultimately, we decided we were better off where we were financially. We are about 8 years from being able to comfortably retire. One of the many things we learned on that adventure, was what I really want from a job.
I have finally found a new opportunity, which really hits on all of the boxes of what I am looking for: Flexible work place, small company, chance to work with some really intelligent people, growing/booming industry/technology, chance to make a difference and help build a company.
The only concern I have about the new job, is a friend I had for over twenty years is the CEO. He had approached me about joining him for a couple of years now, but the timing was not right. The company is now at a size/maturity where they are stable and can really benefit from my skills.
My main concern is the relationship with my friend. I would not be directly reporting to him, and after our initial discussions, he disclosed a potential conflict of interest and removed himself from the hiring process. Over the past month or so it has progressed to the point of an offer being presented.
I mentioned my concerns to my friend, and he agreed he was concerned as well. As he said I would not be reporting directly to him, but ultimately he would be responsible. He felt we are both professional enough that we could separate the business/personal aspects.
So, the question, is this a bad idea? Along the same lines as lending/borrowing money to friends?
Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? Is it a bad idea?