I had originally planned to leave my government job last December, but the downturn in the markets waylaid me, as we weren't quite at 25x annual spend. Plus, I had no idea what to do instead.
My passion lies in animal rescue, but that's generally a volunteer job, and while we foster cats and dogs regularly, the rescues & shelters themselves are a hefty drive through DC suburb traffic (ugh!). I now have an opportunity to take a job working with animals. Not in rescue, but at least it's with animals. The job is ~15 min drive from me and is 24 hrs a week (yay!). I will be taking care of animals, working with other animal-lovers, and learning some stuff about running a facility. There may eventually be opportunities to start a foster network, and maybe some other stuff. The catch is that it pays $17/hr and has no benefits. Hourly wage only.
My current job is very well paid, with government benefits. I don't hate it, but it doesn't inspire me. It does allow me to work from home 4 days a week, and I love being at home. My boss is great, and I have no complaints about my co-workers. I consider myself very lucky.
Our current savings are now at ~26x our annual spend, not including SS, equity in the house, and a pension that starts at age 60. (I am 50.)
Why am I hesitating to make the jump? I do worry about the lack of benefits, although I can use COBRA for 18 months, I believe. I guess it's just nice to have a generous income and not worry at all about spending money. For example, I decided that it was high time to replace our patio doors, which will cost around $4000... and I can do it without even blinking about the cost.
Someone give me a push, or else tell me I'm crazy to leave such a cushy job!