If you're willing to spend a bit of money ($99 I think), there are bluetooth-enabled devices that plug into the OBDII port on your car and tell your phone what's going on in the car. I use the Automatic app/device, but I think there are a couple options available now.
So the app tracks each trip you take, from when the ignition starts to when it stops, tracking location via GPS, and gas mileage. You can also configure it to bug you when you go over a certain speed (defaults to 70 mph) and when you punch the gas or hit the brakes hard (chimes to tell you not to be wasteful). I think the app lets you put notes into each trip, but I don't know at this point.
Anyways, so I took mine a step further, to trigger an IFTTT recipe when my ignition turns off, to chime my phone to check for DD in the back seat. She rarely stops talking now, so it's less of a risk, but it was a bit of peace of mind at the time.