No, don't think of dividends as anything other than part of a stock or fund's returns. Because they aren't.
If stock X pays a dividend, when the divi is paid, all other things being equal the stock drops by the amount of dividend paid out
Eg X listed at $100; it pays out a 50c divi; in theory the stock is now worth $99.50 a share.
If you happen to have $500k and it gives 4% in divis, that IS your 4%. Generally, the higher divi a stock pays, the less it is expected to show capital growth.
If a stock gives 2% in divis, and you sell 2% of your holding each year, that is the 4% SWR. If it gives 4% divi but no growth, likewise; and no dividends but you sell 4% of your total holding, it's the same.
A dividend is just a company giving (usually) some of the profit back to you.