Hello fellow Mustachians! Happy Memorial Day weekend to you! I wanted to know if any of you have ever looked into tax-preferential methods of paying for pet expenses:
I made an unmustachian decision to get a dog when I was in college (currently 25 years old, dog is 4 years old) and now I am emotionally attached to the animal after 4 years and am unable to part ways with it. I recently took it to the vet and had to spend approx $200 on medicine due to allergy induced skin rashes with approximately another $100 coming in two weeks for her vaccinations. Apart from these annual expenses she only costs me food and time. However I was looking for ways to make this more affordable. (If it matters, I am debt free and saving approximately 55% of my
before tax income a year so these expenses are not breaking the bank, they are just inefficient)
My employer gives me $500 a year in my HSA account and I believe you can use your HSA account to pay vet and food bills for your pet if it is a service animal.
Per 2014 IRS form Publication 502 at:
http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p502.pdf "You can include in medical expenses the costs of buying,
training, and maintaining a guide dog or other service animal
to assist a visually impaired or hearing disabled person,
or a person with other physical disabilities. In general,
this includes any costs, such as food, grooming, and
veterinary care, incurred in maintaining the health and vitality
of the service animal so that it may perform its duties."
I am not disabled and I don't want to do anything outside the limits of the law or anything immoral. I was wondering if anyone had ever looked into this and noticed perhaps there was some law that if you spent x hours a year involved in the community with your pet helping people with disabilities if it would qualify for service dog treatment? This way you could not only do your stoic duty of making your community a better place to live, but you could get preferential tax treatment which would be a win-win. Apart from the cost savings involved of having your pet designated a service dog, I believe you could find more places to live if you're renting versus if it is just a "pet" and you can take it with you on trips etc. without having to pay a pet boarding company to house the animal.
Like I said I do not wish to do anything immoral or against the law, but it seems there are a lot of advantages to having a service animal as opposed to a mere "pet" and was wondering if the mustachian community that often thinks outside the box had ever looked into this.