Long-time lurker, first time poster. Just wanted to get some feedback inspired by Mademoiselle's post.
How do you decide which small luxuries to allow yourself,if any? I'm 26, going to reach MMM's level 2 in several months, and while I would like to be FI for the sake of saying I'm FI, I have no intention to leave the full-time workforce.
As a child, I was a natural-born mustachian. My mother, who grew up wealthy (and is addicted to stuff - family income was more than adequate) constantly ran out of money and the end of the month and referred to us as poor. From that, I developed an anxiety arou.d the lack of money - anything I got, I squirreled away for a rainy day.
From 18-25, I was determined to avoid student loans for my bachelors and masters, while helping out my younger sister who moved out at 16 through no fault of her own.
I kept my living costs extremely low, primarily by living in the very cheapest places I could find. There was mould, there were passed out people in the lobby, and a dumpster mattress that was disinfected 1000 times. There was walking home from the library at 2am since I didn't have a computer, and a ramen day/week. There was working full-time hours (2-3 different jobs) as a full-time student and reading my econ textbook while kneading bread dough.Granted, I had a few splurges like $30 mascara and flying across the country twice a year to visit family, but for the most part I was well-behaved.
Then I joined the ranks of the grown-up workforce, and kept my cost of living the same. It was easily legitimized in that it's allowed me to max out all my available no tax/tax deferred accounts (over 6 figures) but when I'm done with that...how frugal should I stay?
Now I naturally don't care much for stereotypical luxury - hell, I take transit instead a cab even when my employer is paying. I have no desire to ever own a vehicle or lululemon pants, or to vacation at a resort, but I know that the following things would really improve my quality of life:
1) Own above grade apartment ($1000/mo) instead of a windowless basement room with very nice but very messy roommates and a constant weed smell ($300.)
2) More travel, primarily but not exclusively to see family more (over half live in Europe)
3) Significantly more charitable giving
4) $70/month fake eyelashes
tl;dr - how did you decide what degree of "luxury" to allow yourself?