There's always going to be an element of woulda-shoulda-coulda.
My parents married right after college. Theirs is a successful marriage. Mom said, though, that she wished she hadn't married so early, wished she had more adventures, etc.
Actually, I had hoped to find a husband in college, marry soon after, and at least be in a position to have kids within a couple years after that. However, my parents were incredibly strict and I barely got to do any dating at all in high school. So when I hit college I had no experience in gauging interest, gauging people, ending a relationship if it didn't work, etc. I stayed in a couple of relationships far longer than I should have.
I graduated and a long term relationship ended. I had a couple more in my twenties that should've been shorter. You'd think I'd learn, but no. In the meantime, a year after I graduated I ended up talking with a college freshman on another internet forum. He was an engineering student (I *always* end up among engineers, lol). I coached him on asking girls out, it's not the end of the earth if they say no, put yourself out there, etc. etc. - Basically the stuff I should have learned in college but did so too late.
It progressed from "How do I find a girl?" to "How do I find a geeky girl?" to "How do I find a girl like you?" to "Why don't you come over for dinner sometime?" just before his last year of school. We met up, and chemistry ensued- on the order of thermite. We've been married five years.
And yet, Sweetie mentioned a certain Catch-22: once you get married it seems that members of the opposite sex take more notice of you. He thinks it has to do with confidence. After finding a nice girl and getting married, it boosted his confidence, and so women noticed him more, etc. He's expressed regret here and there that he didn't play the field more,* but realizes it still wasn't easy for him to garner interest from others.
If you marry earlyish, you'll wonder about playing the field. If you marry later, you wonder if you might have found a keeper in college if you'd looked a little harder. I will second the observation that once you leave college, the hunt becomes harder. You take your chances in life. Would I have liked to get married at an earlier age? Sure. It didn't happen, though, but I have a marriage that many envy.
Meet people. Make friends. Date if you find someone suitable. Learn how relationships *work.*
*this is meant in no way as an insult to me, nor have I ever taken it as such. Being older, I've kissed more frogs than he has, but can also see where he's coming from on this.