Although I am fortunate that my in-laws are prepared for their retirement, I've seen similar situations play out in own extended family, so I understand the stress it can cause. As difficult as it is to stop worrying, I wouldn't stress too much about it, yet. In my experience, your family may ask, but once they realize that any help from you would only cover what you think are necessities, they will be very motivated to find a source more in-line with what they think is necessary for them to live. My own parents are working far past when they need to in order to maintain a completely unnecessary lifestyle that is totally excessive to me, but essential to them. Although it's tough that our values clash so much, I've found it's best to withhold judgment, since they haven't asked for help, yet. Most people with those values will take pretty drastic measures to maintain their lifestyle, and I wouldn't be surprised if your in laws would go into significant debt before asking for help. I would avoid co-signing anything (of course), but there's not much else you can do. I suspect they would only ask for your help if they were really, truly, desperate, and exhausted all other possible sources. If this does happen, you'll have a tough decision to make, but you wouldn't be wrong to help them only for what's absolutely necessary. Since it sounds like that lifestyle would be very unpleasant for them, I doubt they would want to keep that arrangement going very long.