I want to implement the ultimate backup system, but I don't want to be uploading data for a month (that's how long it took last time), so I'd like to use one of those "seeded backup" options like CrashPlan offers, where I save to an external drive and send it to them and they upload that first round. I'd use CrashPlan itself, but they don't offer seeded backup for folks in Canada (only US, NZ, and AUS, I think).
My dream:
1. Have all files backed up to Cloud service like CrashPlan (except via seeded route), and external drive, and quick-backup like DropBox or Evernote.
2. Click one button weekly to update backup to Cloud and external.
Is there a trusted company in Canada doing seeded backup? Other ideas?
Is there a way to save whole docs (Word, Calc, etc) in Evernote?
Is DropBox, with its fee for more room, the best option for daily, interim backup?