You've got a debt emergency - have you read the MMM posts on debt emergency? They're helpful on putting your situation in perspective.
You are paying a large amount of your income in interest, and interest is wasted money. Fun money, drinking money, etc. are not things you should be "cutting down" on- they should not exist until you've paid down at LEAST the credit card. Seriously, 25% interest is an astronomical amount of money to be throwing away. I would pay the minimum on the other loans while you throw every extra penny you have at that credit card debt - it sounds like you could easily have it paid off in a few months, especially if you adopt much more frugal spending habits.
The situation with the student loan vs. the medical loan sounds tricky for personal reasons. Financially, it's a clear decision, it doesn't make any sense to pay off a loan that isn't collecting interest, and will collect low interest in December, while delaying addition payments on your high-interest medical loan. That said, there's obviously non-financial issues to consider since your parents are involved. Personally, I don't think that it would be reasonable of your parents to expect you to pay it off before it's even due just because they cosigned- when they cosigned, they were trusting you to pay it off on time, not early. If it were me, I would sit down with my parents and explain that I was choosing to pay off higher-interest debt first while maintaining the minimum payments on that loan, after which I would use all that additional cash flow to pay off the loan asap. That said, I know that a little extra money spent may be worth it for family harmony, so ultimately it's a personal choice based on your relationship with your parents.
Re: emergency fund, I think a small one of $1K or less is good to have around, but I would personally wait until after the CC is paid before putting money toward that. That depends on your personal tolerance for risk, but I've found that most true emergencies can be handled without immediate access to cash if it really comes down to it.