I've been using FreedomPop's home internet service ($14.99/mo for up to 5 GB of transfer) but it runs on WiMax which is shutting down in a couple of months. It doesn't look to me like FreedomPop will be offering anything comparable, their customer service is horrible, and they've jacked up rates way too many times in too short of a time frame (it was about $10/month for up to 10 GB of transfer when I signed up); so I'm ISP shopping.
I currently have no cable or phone line at home (rental) in Comcast/ATT service area (Sacramento, CA). The lowest price available seems to be Consolidated Communications, Inc. (used to be Surewest) - about $23/month for 5 mbps for 24 months ($15/mo advertised promo rate ($52.99 regular price!) + $5.99 High-speed Internet features and services fee + taxes, surcharges, and additional fees). Does anyone have experience with their service? I'm uncertain how long I'll be at my current service location, so I'd be particularly interested if anyone has experience moving this service.