my credit cards get paid in full every statement balance. I should just focus on paying the student loan and the car loan first? I can wait to put money into the roth iras up to next april anyways?
Don't bother listing as liabilities credit lines you pay in full with no interest each month. You are effectively paying cash for those things and the spending should simply appear in line items such as groceries, gas, etc. Checking account balances will go up and down all month - don't worry about listing them either, as long as they hold only enough to avoid bouncing checks as spending fluctuates.
Yes, pay the car loan because the interest rate is ridiculously high - or sell the car and buy a less expensive used one, but we'll chalk up this one to "everyone has to be young and foolish at least once." ;)
Pay the student loan because it's time to show mom & dad that you are a big boy & girl and can cut the apron strings.
You have ~$2,400/mo cash flow after taxes and your listed expenses (not counting the $500 for "investment w/ family", correct? That should allow you to pay all non-mortgage loans in < 1 year.
Do you already have a $250K house? That's about the principal corresponding to 4.5%, 30 year mortgage payment of $1255/mo. If so, why do you need a new one?
Having "miscellaneous" be ~27% of your non-loan spending indicates you need a better handle on where your money is going.
You have a great income. Restrain your spending and you can be extremely well positioned for FI in well under 10 years - good luck!