I think the single person is in the middle of the spectrum in terms of ability to get to FI. On the one hand, a truly aligned married couple can make progress faster, especially pre-/without children; you have two incomes but can share one bedroom, one car, one computer and many of the other "infrastructure" costs of modern life. You can also moderate each other's spendy influences; for instance, if you have someone at home to give you a hug and fix you a nice dinner, you might be less tempted to treat yourself after a bad day at work.
On the flip side, though, an unaligned marriage (see many, many threads here) can be very expensive, whether it's different values about spending, bad financial behaviors (secret spending or debt), or, if it doesn't work out, the cost of divorce. Thinking more positively, a one-income family with multiple household members (kids or non-working adults) can mean a longer road to FI, even if everyone is very happy with the arrangement.
A single childless person has less household income and higher per-person costs, but also a simpler time making frugal decisions. You can live wherever you want, work wherever you want, and make spending decisions that might not be palatable to others to balance the budget (I will eat beans and rice for a month since I just bought an expensive computer). You can also put in more work hours during the money-accumulation years and take jobs that are not family or spouse-friendly. With a child, I think it would really depend on circumstances (ie, does the other parent contribute or is there other income).
As another person asked, do you mean RE, or just FI? Even with a modest income by Mustachian standards, I have usually been FI (a year+ of living expenses in the bank, aside from retirement savings) for the last 10 years although I just tapped that to buy a home; my first priority will be to build that fund back up and I do not anticipate it taking all that long. RE would be a bit harder, but I could do it if I were willing to tighten up spending, or if I had one of the higher Mustachian incomes. Retired military mustachians, for instance seem to be able to manage ER fairly often as singletons.