Hi Guys,
I'm a first time poster, and I apologize if this has been covered else where (I couldn't find a similar situation in the posts).
I am a 28 y/o M about to finish med school in canada in about 1 week. I have a masters as well.
I am fortunate as I purchased a home prior to starting school with some help from my parents. I rent out the other rooms, and as such have been able to carry a strong asset through these years. I have about 30k in the debt which I will be remortgaging the house to pay it off. The house will be fully rented by students and I should see some income from it on top of covering my existing debt (I also worked for two years prior to starting med school so I saved quite a bit living at home during that time).
I also have access to a Line of credit which I have not touched. It is at prime. My thoughts are should I use this for investments (Ie sign on with a bank or group of investors who will take the whole LOC and invest on my behalf? The return should cover the interest).
As for my other costs, I am fortunate that I have a condo in toronto where I will be doing my residency, with mortgage of roughly 1300-1400 a month (including maintenance fees). I do not own a car.
My income from residency will be roughly 3400 a month after taxes. I should hopefully get about 1.5-2k from the house when fully rented (I got very lucky with this property). So a total income a month of roughly 5k.
I will be done residency in 2 years. My gross income will somewhere between 240-300k depending on where/how much I work. This is gross ofcourse. Net will probably be closer to 120-140k. This LOC is only available to me over the next two years. Investing is an important avenue as physicians in canada are not given any pension or benefits.
So if I do use this LOC for investments, I will get a head start on stocks (which I own none of currently), and will be able to pay off the 250 LOC over 5 years or so at that income.
What are your thoughts. I would love and appreciate any feedback.
Many thanks.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 09:13:58 PM by 4as8 »