Wow I didn't know the prices were that high on routine maintenance! Like Holy F**K. I'm a car guy, hopefully some more will chime in....
1.) Air filter : Do yourself , stupid easy
2.) Cabin Filter : Google it, then do yourself, way easy
3.) Ac disinfectant : Skip this, I've never heard of it, nor ever heard of anyone needing it. Acs do stink sometimes during spring and fall , but it always goes away, if not blast it away by running the heat on high for 15 mins. + That cabin air filter should catch any actual pollutants.
4.) Brake Fluid flush, I would dare say 3 years is overkill unless your driving a performance vehicle and doing auto cross or something of the like. Honestly If your not mechanically inclined, get this done when you get your main brake service done ( around 30-45k?) If you are, have the time and want to learn, the whole brake process isn't terrible. You can also do a "turkey baster flush" yourself right now if your concerned, but I wouldn't be. Just suck the fluid out of the reservoir with a turkey baster, and replace what you took out. Supposedly "molecular diffusion" will slowly spread the water content out even in the closed loop brake lines. My Number 4 is long, just PM me or ask a follow up post for more details. but heres the fast summary. If your not going to do it yourself, get ALL YOUR BRAKE WORK DONE AT THE SAME TIME, then ask for a discount on labor cause they already have everything dis-assembled.
5.) Tire alignments are anywhere between 60-90$ , but YOU DONT NEED ONE UNLESS :
1.) Your car pulls left or right when driving instead of straight.
2.) You have uneven tire wear from poor adjustment (I doubt this on a 22K mile car)
So In general, I vote skip the alignment unless needed ( You would know if you needed)
Rotation? Yes rotations are important and underrated. They promote even tire wear which helps many other items of your driveline often over looked.
Most dealerships will do rotations for 20$ish, or you can do it yourself with 4 jack stands and a jack. But I would recommend the rotation be done either way. A lot of people do it every oil change, I rotate once a year lol.
So thats my opinion, take it for what it is.