Author Topic: Car Maintenance..  (Read 5033 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Car Maintenance..
« on: November 01, 2015, 01:01:13 PM »
Took the 2012 Honda Accord (~22k miles on it) car for routine oil change to the dealer. The following was recommended.

Air Filter - $45
Cabin Filter - $89
AC Disinfectant $89
Brake Fluid Flush $155
Rot.Alignment $100

Wondering what can be taken care of by myself or any other inexpensive options to accomplish these. Complicated ones i will take it to the dealer (the last two as i see it now).



  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Car Maintenance..
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2015, 01:07:37 PM »
Air filters are stupid easy to replace yourself and cost about $10 each on Amazon. There are plenty of videos showing exactly what to do on Youtube, like so:

I have no experience with the other maintenance so I won't comment on those.


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Re: Car Maintenance..
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2015, 02:05:02 PM »
I know nothing about cars and had no trouble changing my air filter and cabin filter.  The cabin filter was so easy I felt like starting a class action for fraud that Honda charges anything for it.  Truly, it's easier than putting in gas. I think the cabin filter cost $12. I think the NPR car guys, Click and Clack, said the AC disinfectant was a scam. As far as the brake fluid flush, check your owners manual to see when Honda recommends it. My Mechanic told me to replace the brake fluid every 3 years, or about every 30,000 miles so it sounds early for that.  Best thing to do is find a non-dealer mechanic you can trust.  I actually found mine on the Click and Clack website.


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Re: Car Maintenance..
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2015, 02:07:27 PM »
I am by no means an auto mechanic or expert of any kind.... but I'm a getting to be an old fart and I have never in my life flushed brake fluid for any reason other than I was bleeding it because I worked on the brake hydraulics.  I've also never seen it mentioned in recommended maintenance for any car I have owned.  (That doesn't mean I didn't miss it... but I have never seen it.)


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Re: Car Maintenance..
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2015, 02:19:28 PM »
Just for fun, I checked the owners manual for my 2005 Honda, it does say change brake fluid every 3 years. My driving is mostly in town, stop every block driving so lots of braking.  Might be different with highway driving. 


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Car Maintenance..
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2015, 02:22:32 PM »
Thanks turketron, Dee18 and spork for the reply.
Vow turketron, that video was less then 5 min to change the first two; $100 for 5 min. I will be getting that taken care of it soon on my own.
Dee 18, after watching the video, I can relate to the feeling of class action on Honda.Will check Click and Clack.
Spork, I will check the manual to see if it is indeed required.

Thanks again guys.



  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Car Maintenance..
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2015, 02:37:27 PM »
Just for fun, I checked the owners manual for my 2005 Honda, it does say change brake fluid every 3 years. My driving is mostly in town, stop every block driving so lots of braking.  Might be different with highway driving.

Yeah I started googling after I said that...  Sounds like Honda says yes.  Toyotas, Fords... not so much.  Older cars I've had: not so much.  I've got a 1975 Triumph that has only had bleeds after opening the system since the time it left the factory.

I get the reasoning... Every time you open the system, a little humidity gets in there and condenses, lowering the boiling point.  Three years sounds excessive (but if my manual said it, I would probably do it.)


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Re: Car Maintenance..
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2015, 05:26:49 AM »
Wow I didn't know the prices were that high on routine maintenance! Like Holy F**K. I'm a car guy, hopefully some more will chime in....

1.) Air filter : Do yourself ,  stupid easy
2.) Cabin Filter : Google it, then do yourself, way easy
3.) Ac disinfectant : Skip this, I've never heard of it, nor ever heard of anyone needing it.  Acs do stink sometimes during spring and fall , but it always goes away, if not blast it away by running the heat on high for 15 mins. + That cabin air filter should catch any actual pollutants.   

4.) Brake Fluid flush, I would dare say 3 years is overkill unless your driving a performance vehicle and doing auto cross or something of the like.  Honestly If your not mechanically inclined, get this done when you get your main brake service done ( around 30-45k?)    If you are, have the time and want to learn, the whole brake process isn't terrible.      You can also do a "turkey baster flush" yourself right now if your concerned, but I wouldn't be.    Just suck the fluid out of the reservoir with a turkey baster, and replace what you took out.  Supposedly "molecular diffusion" will slowly spread the water content out even in the closed loop brake lines.      My Number 4 is long,  just PM me or ask a follow up post for more details.   but heres the fast summary.   If your not going to do it yourself,  get ALL YOUR BRAKE WORK DONE AT THE SAME TIME,  then ask for a discount on labor cause they already have everything dis-assembled.     

5.) Tire alignments are anywhere between 60-90$ ,   but YOU DONT NEED ONE UNLESS :
        1.) Your car pulls left or right when driving instead of straight.
        2.) You have uneven tire wear from poor adjustment (I doubt this on a 22K mile car)
        So In general, I vote skip the alignment unless needed ( You would know if you needed)
  Rotation?  Yes rotations are important and underrated.  They promote even tire wear which helps many other items of your driveline often over looked.

Most dealerships will do rotations for 20$ish,   or you can do it yourself with 4 jack stands and a jack. But I would recommend the rotation be done either way. A lot of people do it every oil change, I rotate once a year lol.

So thats my opinion, take it for what it is.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Car Maintenance..
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2015, 10:15:30 AM »
Brake Fluid Flush $155
Rot.Alignment $100

Complicated ones i will take it to the dealer (the last two as i see it now).

Brake fluid flush is easy too if you have a helper.  I've tried vacuum methods and speedbleeders and honestly the good ol' fashioned 2 person method as described on many a webpage/video is the best.  2 of the big cans of fluid should do just about any vehicle.  Unless I've got the system open for something else I don't bother though.  My manuals don't recommend it outside of those times.  If the manual did recommend it, I would do it on schedule.  The engineers that develop those schedules do have reasons, and it's not just to fill the pockets of mechanics!

Tire rotation is obviously easy in theory, but depending on the pattern may involve supporting both ends of the car in the air at the same time which can be risky (even with jackstands if you're not careful about it).  Using the spare as a 5th makes it "safer" (less supported time, but more lifts required) but will take a lot longer.  Alignment, well, I've wasted many dollars over the years having it routinely checked and finding that it only needs adjustment after having suspension work done.  On my cars it simply does not move due to driving (and I do some rough driving on unpaved road rallyes).  At this point I just keep an eye out for any signs of odd early tire wear.  YMMV on this one though, I own Toyota and Mitsubishi cars which have overbuilt suspensions.  If you own something like a Honda, Ford, GM, it might be more of an issue.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Car Maintenance..
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2015, 06:34:24 PM »
Thanks Kroaler
Kroaler: Yeah 1,2 are easy after i saw the youtube video posted above. I will run the heater for some time for a little muggy smell.
4. That is a good idea to combine it with the brake maintenance around the 30-45k . I don't drive the car much now, only wife does. My wife will not drive if she comes to know I did the brake maintenance :). Thanks for the detailed reply though.
5. Car does not pull to the left or right. This is what was given in the sheet.

x-- L.Front    x-- R.Front : both 6/32
x-- L.Rear     x-- R.Rear  : both 8/32

x is where they have put a strike

Thanks BlueMR2 for the reply. I will get both of these done at appropriate times. I will not be able to do it on my own because I rent and I cant do anything on the property Oil spills etc) even If I am inclined to learn and do it on my own.


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Re: Car Maintenance..
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2015, 07:00:55 PM »
Took the 2012 Honda Accord (~22k miles on it) car for routine oil change to the dealer. The following was recommended.

Air Filter - $45
Cabin Filter - $89
AC Disinfectant $89
Brake Fluid Flush $155
Rot.Alignment $100

Wondering what can be taken care of by myself or any other inexpensive options to accomplish these. Complicated ones i will take it to the dealer (the last two as i see it now).


Air filter and cabin filter worth 10$ each and 1 minute to replace
AC desinfectant is a gimick
Brake fluid flush is a 5$/15 minutes job. I do it every 2-3 years while I lube the caliper's pins or replace the pads.
Alignement: when needed or when buying a new set of tire. Rotation, every 5k miles DIY or pay 20$


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Car Maintenance..
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2015, 07:06:32 PM »
Everything on your list, except alignment, is DIY.
Filters - very easy to do.
I replace brake fluid every 2 years myself, as prescribed by VW (and most other manufacturers). It's hydroscopic and takes in water with time. All 4 wheels bleed takes about 2-3 hours with breaks on a glass of beer on a hot summer day. You will need a spotter to pump and press the break pedal while you work on caliper

Alignment is not doable without special stand and special tools


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Car Maintenance..
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2015, 10:21:38 PM »
Everything is DIYable except for alignments.

The best way to do alignments is to go on line and get a price for a "lifetime alignment" from the local Firestone dealer. You pay then $160 one time, then you can take your car back every 6000 miles and they will re-align it for free for the life of the car.. or until you sell it.

Best deal out there and our local place are top notch.