Hey Frump.
I kind of disagree with the amount of money people spend on their commuting cars.
I currently own 5 cars.... they don't cost me much cash. Besides the project car which will eventually come into the rolling door of commuters and I don't plan on spending more than 3000 dollars on that particular car.
If you have a commute especially if its longer than 15 miles, I highly urge everyone to learn mechanics. Not just changing your oil. Learn how to change a whole entire suspension. Learn how to take out an engine. Learn how to change gaskets ect.
It's funny, but I bought a stupid non-mustachian car in highschool. A 1991 toyota MR2. That car ended up saving me thousands of dollars because I learned how to work on it.
1993 Del Sol Si
2008 Hyundai Accent
2001 BMW 325iT - Wont be buying another BMW unless its an e30. They are a bare to work on.
1986 Toyota MR2
2004 Subaru Outback
www.rockauto.comjunk yard is your friend
2004 outback- I have replaced all the suspension on the outback. I got it for 300 dollars. It runs freaking excellent and has 225,000 miles on it. I put 30,000 miles on it so far. Cheap insurance. I put around 1500 dollars into the suspension. 1800 dollar car.
2008 Accent super reliable 36MPG my workhorse commuter. I bought it with 50,000 miles on it for 3200 dollars. I haven't done much workto it besides replacing the coilpacks, tires, a few sensors, filters and oil. It now has 120,000 miles on it.
2001 BMW - Don't buy a BMW. I finally got this running without a check engine light. Drives excellent. PITD to work on. All rubber goes bad at or about 100k resulting in . Bought it for $2800 and put about $1000 into it.
1993 Del Sol Si- currently replacing all suspension on this. I got it for free by trading some vehicles around. Non-running jeep v8 (gift from MIL) traded for a CRV which I traded for this del sol. Car has 136,000 miles on it. Gets 35MPG and willl be the next commuter. Just in my driveway on jackstands, runs great. Getting ready to by the next workhorse. I will sell the Hyundai for the same amount of money I bought it for when this gets on the road.
1986 MR2- bought with a blown up engine that leaks oil like crazy. Planning on putting in a new engine and replacing all suspension parts while I am driving the Del Sol Si. When I am done with this car I will simply switch and sell the Del Sol.
I think commuters should have at least 2 cars. 1 reliable old car that just chills or is used in snow/when your main commuter breaks down and needs repair. 1 Reliable car that gets great MPG and is no thrills basic to get to work and back with no fancy features that will inevitably break. And call me crazy but I think there should be a 3rd!!! car in the wings getting ready to take over for the next commuting vehicle.
This method gives you the flexibility and time to always have a working car on the cheap. If one breaks down you have another waiting in the wings, allowing you precious, STRESS FREE, no rush, time to get your car fixed and back on the road.