I hadn't thought of after-school care! Brilliant, lol. Whenever I thought of taking children in, it seemed like it would really crimp our style, since we got out a lot.
Yes, we live in Toronto. Its crazy here. Homes are not under 500K, and in our neighborhood they are 650K-1.5M. But our rent is very reasonable, with the caps, as you say. It seems like investing in the indexes has better growth potential than owning a home in Hamilton anyhow. There's no compound interest with a mortgage, right? Well, there is, but in the opposite direction, from people to the bank.
Does it make sense to eventually invest in property somewhere, if we could save enough up? Not to live in, but to get rental income, like it seems MMM does?
I also thought that if we wanted to move into a nicer apartment, or a house, eventually, for the niceness, not the money sense, it makes sense to hold onto and sublet our current apartment, because we could charge the market value which would be higher than what we would pay. Does that make sense to do? I like where we are living, but it would be nice for our kids to be able to walk out and visit friends and play in the neighbourhood in a more independent way than our apartment allows.
I'm still reading about the indexes and investing. I need to find out how my husband's Pension Plan through work works. The report from 2011 we had filed says that he contributed ~2K, and his work contributed ~7K (crazy, right? my dad was flabbergasted). I wonder if we can or should contribute more... and I wonder if its the best place to invest extra or if we would be better elsewhere. I should also find out, as you've said, how his american savings plan works, how its invested, etc. And then there is just the money sitting in the TFSA that I'll need to think about. I saw there is a Canadian subforum here, so I'll take a look at that next.