The read through the bogleheads thread was very helpful, thanks! Unfortunately I'm in MN and have a lower amount than a lot of lenders like for a mortgage, so most of the options were unavailable to me from that thread. Still have to call around to local credit unions, but so far I'm finding 3.125% with ~$2200 in closing costs (A+B+C+D) or another interesting one is a 2.875% with high costs (A+B+C+D = ~$7100) BUT all closing costs, including the prepaids are rolled into the loan so I'd be financing ~$9950, paying ~$200 in cash, then receiving however much I currently have in escrow from my existing mortgage.
I'm leaning towards the 3.125% but am not really sure how to value the financing of the closing costs with that lower rate.
EDIT: both lenders allow rolling in the costs for a 0-cost loan, so it's looking like the 3.125% for $2200 is the winner so far