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Best site to sell clothes

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I have some quality brand clothing that is in great condition but I don't love.  I thought I would try to sell it on Thred Up - anyone sold clothes on this site before?  Or is Ebay better?  Or???

Poshmark?  Facebook Marketplace?

I've sold a few things on Ebay - mostly jackets (easier for me to manage because at the time I was selling lots of other items on eBay).

I have no idea which is best.

I have had very good luck with Poshmark. I've sold about $600 worth of clothes, shoes, etc. Check the sales history of what you are selling before pricing and take good pictures.

ThredUp stinks for value as a seller but is definitely easiest. As a buyer, I like Depop and EBay. Poshmark is okay too but they have burned me once or twice as a seller.


--- Quote from: halfling on March 25, 2024, 08:48:35 PM ---ThredUp stinks for value as a seller but is definitely easiest. As a buyer, I like Depop and EBay. Poshmark is okay too but they have burned me once or twice as a seller.

--- End quote ---

Can you tall us how they burned you, @halfling ?


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