I know that cars can go way past $200k miles, but I've had quite a few repairs in the past year. Additionally, this car was stolen from me earlier in the year. Fortunately, I got it back. Unfortunately, the thieves had crashed both the front and the rear end. It's in significantly worse shape than it was a few months ago. As far as I know, it's only body damage, but, along with the # of miles on it, I have a sense that it is not as trustworthy as it once was. I know that there are people out there that work on their own cars and are also not too concerned about ending up on the side of the road. (Something that happened to me this past year (alternator).) I am not those people, especially while carting 2 kids around. I'm not walking away yet, just trying to prep for the idea that I might feel like I need to, without pouring unnecessary $ into it for now. Face punch worthy? I hope not, but let me know.
Also, a friend reminded me that there is a free bus that goes to the ski basin! I had written it off before because taking 2 small kids with ski gear on the bus for an hour sounded like a real nightmare. But they are 9 and 12 now and I think it's worth a shot on days I'm nervous about driving.