Part of me wants to find a place because I think right or wrong it would provide some more "stability" in so far as maybe finding someone to one day have a family with. I just think in my 30s it's hard for most women to look past someone living in a room in a house and believe there is much of a future no matter how much I am doing the right thing by saving money on paper.
I think mentally I would appreciate something that is "mine" that I could make make better and make my own. I often despise renting but I rationalize it to myself in that mathematically it makes more sense but I think sometimes it comes at great cost beyond just dollars.
On the finding a partner being harder if you are in a roomate situation. It shouldn't be a deal breaker if you find the right mate, but it may rule out a bunch of potential people - who currently may imagine coming over to your apartment and having to deal with your current landlord/ roomate who is passed out on the living room couch in their underwear with a bag of spilled Cheetos, and piles of knocked over energy drink cans on the carpet. [ i realize this is probably not the case, but you get the idea i hope ]
Maybe your second point about having something your own and despising renting a room at times, is the bigger point you've identified. It's a reaaly great amount of money you've saved so far, but you can't sleep on the money, or cook with it. Chances are decent that if you get involved in a serious relationship, you may decide to terminate your future room renters accomodations, so she can move in w/ you.
It won't 100% feel like your own place when you have someone [ non-romantic] renting a room from you and sharing your kitchen. I would find a place you were comfortable affording on your own income only. Then consider any additional income you bring in thru a roomate as a bonus, not income you need to make the mortgage payment. This way, at any point in the future, with probably 30 days notice, you can return to having just yourself in the condo. Whether the roomate turns out annoying or gross, or a potential mate moves in- but things go sour and they leave.
Also read the fine print and understand what the $350/mo actually covers for the Condo dues. Is it streetlights, and a lame gym room ? - Or is it for common area janitorial service, and funds a replacment roof for the whole bldg, {without asking for addtional assesments}, and a great pool and concierge waiting to assist you at a front desk.