Hello Everyone,
I have been reading every word I can find after discovering this blog this past weekend and I am hoping to be a "mustachian". I have always been aware of the bullshit vanity/consumerism that exists in our society (just watch the Bravo channel) but its great to actually see this being something tangible in the form of this blog and community.
Here's my story:
I live in a very cheap local economy. I am 25 years old, I work in IT as a Sys Admin at a fast growing software company. I went to ITT-Tech from 08' to 10' which got my foot in the door. If anyone knows one thing about ITT-Tech, is that it's a for profit school system, which now I can give thanks for my $45k in student debt.
I have a second income as well officially as of last month, I am a professional musician so I play out multiple times a month. Income from that can be anywhere from an additional 400 to 2000 dollars in one month. During the summer can be up to 3,000.
Here's the run down.
- - Monthly Income: $1,900 at the bare minimum from job #1, with job #2 this combines up to $2,400 average after taxes. Could be up to $3,000, really depends on the month for shows.
cell - 110
rent - 475
electric - 33
student loan payment - 410
car payment - 260
gas for car - 200
Internet - 71
netflix - 8
food - 300-400
Clothes - generally 0, though sometimes I'll get a whole new fleet of jeans after they wear out, which can be like 150 dollars. Let's just say 30 bucks here average.
Bar / Going out - $40
Amazon - $40 (usually just random books)
- - total spending, $2,027
- - Investments so far: 401(k), my company matches up to 6%. I just started it 3 months ago, I have about $1,200 in there so far.
As for debt:
Student Loans: $45,000
Car loan: $7,500
- - Total debt, $52,500
I just signed up for Republic Wireless, and I love it so far. Doing the $25 monthly plan. Another obvious problem is my car situation. The gas is so high because its a sports car with an average of 18 MPG, I was 22 when I bought it (go figure) so I was all about showing off my new career by getting a crazy sports car. I'm also a car-nut, so this can be an issue for me. I live 10 minutes from work, a 35 minute bike ride, so in the summer I plan to ride my bike some more. Ultimately, I plan to sell my car, roll the extra dough I get from that after paying off the car loan into a junker to fart around in. Ultimate goal is no car payment, and knock gas consumption down to about 120 a month or so. With that, I would save $340 a month.
The food is pretty costly because I eat as best as I can, I have bad acid reflux on processed food, so I eat strictly whole foods/organic. I'm basically on the Paleo eating style, no bread or dense carbs. It helps my health and I feel great cause of it. I don't think I can sacrafice cutting down on this. Really all I buy is a ton of veggies and meat, nothing to outrageous like raw almond butter $20 bucks a jar or anything like that. Though I do get something outlandish like that once every 2 months just for kicks. My work has a salad bar and full blown diner. So I usually eat a big ass salad and salmon for lunch.
Now I think my plan is pretty sound so far, but now i'm saving only like what, 15% of my income? lol that is sad. The student loans are destroying me and at this rate I wouldn't have them paid off until 2035 or something ridiculous. It's only 45k but that's a ton in ratio to my income. I figure with the new musician gig I have, i can throw $1000 at it every month and have it paid off in 3 years and 10 months. Just in time to then start rolling cash into investments! After student loans are paid off I could be banking 55%.
I could get a higher paying job yes, I do have a few years under my belt in experience but the company I'm at has very good perks, though they do rather spend more on outlandish corporate parties rather than our compensation which is the sad part. And, the only high paying jobs in my area require 3rd shift/weekend hours which would destroy my musicianship which is a true passion for me.
Seems a lot of people on here have a wife or husband are each making 50k/yr +, whereas I'm sitting at a mere 30k/yr, no wife to help with expenses, and hoping for this awesome company I work for to start giving me big raises. It's been 3 years now at this job, average raise percentage is about 5%. I'm bumming over here because I don't think I'll get this done until I'm like 50 years old at this rate. I'm shooting for $700k - $1 million net worth. I have an expensive taste and I would like to have some nice stuff when I'm older. If i could double my pay in the next 5 years this could really happen. I'm shooting for 2 more years with this job before I pull my hair out, get new IT Certifications and hope to double my pay with a reasonable hourly job. Most IT jobs over 60k/yr require you to work 70 hours a week :(
Is this hopeless considering how much I make right now? Some people tell me to get a house to build equity, yeah right, that would put me further into the hole. Realistically, I'd be happy getting FI by the time i'm 40-45 years old.
Anyone have any advice they'd like to share? Are my ideas sound?
EDIT:: Oh and my car insurance is like 70 a month, but my mom pays that for me as her way of helping me. I'm an only child -shrug-. And I have a credit card, but I don't use it at all. Only when I travel and I try to pay it off after 3 months or so.
Thanks for reading!