Goal is to mirror what I have in my 401k through out all 4 accounts. We have a 17-20 year time horizon before retirement. Any tips/advice are welcome.
401k (will be maxed every year going forward) - Balance: 26,000
- 10% Bond Index / Bond Market Index Separate Account-R6 / Expense: 0.41%
- 65% SP500 Index / LargeCap S&P 500 Index Separate Account-R6 / Expense: 0.31%
- 10% SmallCap Index / SmallCap S&P 600 Index Separate Account-R6 / Expense: 0.31%
- 10% International SmallCap Index / International SmallCap Separate Account-R6 / Expense: 1.46%
Can switch the International to REREX at 0.84% or get rid of it all together if it makes sense.
ROTH IRA (will be maxed every year going forward) - Balance: 6,000
- 100% Vangaurd Target 2055 / Exp: 0.16%
401k (will be maxed every year going forward) - Balance: 100,000
- 10% Bond Index / NT AGGREGATE BD IDX / Expense: 0.0525%
- 65% SP500 Index / NT S&P 500 INDEX / Expense: 0.02%
- 20% International Index / NT ACWI EX-US INDEX / Expense: 0.15%
- 5% Small Cap Index / NT RUSSELL 2000 IDX / Expense: 0.009%
ROTH IRA (will be maxed every year going forward) - Balance: 21,000
- 100% Vangaurd Target 2055 / Exp: 0.16%