Author Topic: Anyone do calisthenics? Looking for top rated equipment  (Read 2863 times)


  • Stubble
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Anyone do calisthenics? Looking for top rated equipment
« on: January 20, 2016, 06:16:15 AM »
Hey guys, was wondering if anyone does calisthenics here and not go to the gym.

Willing to invest in good quality equipment... i know thats against MMM, but i just want to make sure i got the best possible i can get for these so it wont make working out a pain.

Probably looking for the best of:
Either door pull up, or some kind of pullup bar i can fit in my garage
Dip station
Pushup handles
Gymnastic rings... how do i even put this up?
Ab workout?
Best jump rope?
Probably missing a few things.
Mat i can put on a dirty garage floor? Or any suggestions on what i can cover the dirty garage floor with?

Thanks guys.


  • Stubble
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Re: Anyone do calisthenics? Looking for top rated equipment
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2016, 08:28:02 AM »
Was this the right subforum to ask? Haha


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Re: Anyone do calisthenics? Looking for top rated equipment
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2016, 12:18:02 PM »
I just got a Perfect Push-up set on Amazon based on reviews. Haven't started using it yet thanks to an unrelated injury I'm working through.

I think the Sweethome or Wirecutter had a pull-up bar guide. If you're handy, though, it's dead simple to build your own in a garage situation.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Anyone do calisthenics? Looking for top rated equipment
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2016, 12:21:48 PM »
getting the best possible item doesnt mean you have to spend a lot on it.  quality doesnt always relate to price, and in the world of gym equipment ... quality stuff can be had second hand on craigslist.  or set alerts for what you're looking for on slick deals.


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Re: Anyone do calisthenics? Looking for top rated equipment
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2016, 12:38:04 PM »
Willing to invest in good quality equipment... i know thats against MMM

I missed this part. When have you ever gotten that impression? Often the lowest TCO (total cost of ownership) and highest satisfaction comes from purchasing rather expensive things rather than cheaper things that break or wear out quickly.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Anyone do calisthenics? Looking for top rated equipment
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2016, 10:54:31 AM »
I have been lifting weights for close to 20 years now and switched to doing a more calisthenics based routine a few months ago and my joints are thrilled. check out youtube for lots of good routines and tutorials. That being said i was surprised out how little equipment you really need to do a good basic routine. if you don't have anything I would start with a combo pullup/dip station, I am not sure if quality but they have them at just about any big box sports store for less than $200. Get a box or chair for box jumps and elevating your feet for variations of push ups and shoulder work. Do pushups o n the ground push up handles are a waste of money. You get a good enough stretch if you are doing the push up correctly. If you are just starting out don't worry about rings yet you don't have the strength or balance to use them correctly and could injure yourself. I would train for a year or more before considering rings. Don't forget to work legs, lots of bodyweight squat variations that you don't need weights for, sprints work awesome. Jump ropes are great,  I like a heavier one. I can't seem to get the timing right with the lighter cloth type ones. For abs do hanging leg raises from your pull up bar, planks ans it ups. You will also get a lot of core work from your regular exercises as anything with bodyweight will require balance and core stability I was surprised how much when I started. personally i wouldn't worry about a mat on the floor Just wear old clothes they will just get smelly and gross anyway. Here are some of my favorite youtube channels I have found. Maybe they will help, they usually show progressions through various strength levels to help you get stronger safely.