I've looked at both of these vehicles recently. The CX 5 is certainly more "sporty", and saves a small amount on initial cost. The Outback is a much more refined and comfortable vehicle, not as sporty, but more of a feeling of space and comfort. To be honest, the CX 5 is much better comparison for the Forester, which is 2 inches higher and 6 inches shorter than the Outback. People think of the Outback as being smaller than the Forester, but really it's not. It is 2 inches lower, but 2 inches wider and 6 inches longer. It feels a lot bigger, despite getting better mpg, I wouldn't consider the Forester. The Forester also feels a bit cheaper, more on line with the CX 5. That isn't to say cheap, just not as refined as the Outback.
So I came down on the side of the Outback, I am driving an Outback currently with 164k miles on it, and will be upgrading to a newer version soon simply because I can, the current one is rusting and has a lot of damage from a couple accidents, is white which I don't like, has some engine and other troubles in the past year, and just isn't what I want right now. I don't consider that a mustachian move to upgrade it, just a choice I am making at some point soon. The whole idea of an SUV is definitely not mustachian, so for anyone pointing that out I would absolutely agree. None of these vehicles are mustachian, I have driven a front wheel drive vehicle for 11 years in northern WI without ever having a problem, you don't need this sort of vehicle. But it's something some of us might decide to do, much like a bigger house than needed, etc. It will delay my FIRE date and I'm ok with that.