Lawyer here. Obviously not familiar with your jurisdiction but I'm going to guess the judge will continue the hearing.
Further, and not being rude, but your post demonstrates your lack of knowledge regarding the Civil Rules, which is what governs these proceedings. Also note that even though you are a non-lawyer, you will still be bound by these Civil Rules, the Rules of Evidence, etc.
I can't tell you how many times I've sat in small claims court and watched parties with good cases lose because they don't know what they're doing.
Actually, I have a client right now who retained me to clean up the mess he made in small claims. He paid me $1,500 for the privilege. But to try his case off the bat, I would have charged probably $500 or $750 -- it was easy and straightforward and would have required minimal prep time. But he thought he could do it himself, screwed it up, and now he needed to pay me both to clean it up and hopefully re-try it again.
So maybe ask that lawyer friend if he will take $500 to help you out with the case. It will probably be of benefit, and you may even be entitled to attorneys' fees.