Hi all,
Long-time reader; first-time poster! Here's the quick rundown:
32, single renter with no dependents; I gross ~48k/year in HCOL city and live on ~$2000-2200/month with a few thousand extra/year for vacations (I like to get very far away for as long as possible). No car.
$57k in Vanguard index funds (most in regular account, some in Roth IRA that I am maxing yearly)
$33k worth of two stocks I inherited (big pharma :( )
$10k in work-sponsored 403b (contributing 2x/month for the maximum match)
$77k in checking accounts (Schwab investor checking, mostly)
Aside from getting my full employer match on the 403b, I am auto-investing ~$500/month into my Vanguard accounts but I still have what feels like a large amount of cash sitting in my checking accounts doing nothing. I am in theory interested in homeownership but because of extremely high home prices here and high property taxes, doesn't seem to make any sense. Am considering purchasing an e-bike but that's probably the largest purchase I expect to make in the foreseeable future. But I'm skeptical of dumping too much more money into stock/index funds at the moment.
For what it's worth, my ultimate goal isn't quite FIRE. I have a chronic health condition that requires very expensive medication ($5000/monthly), which means high quality employer-sponsored insurance is a necessity, so my eventual goal is not necessarily to be able to retire straight up but to find a job I like that will let me work more flexible hours/remotely from a nice, cheaper city with more reasonable COL. I already do really like my job, so hoping it can be within the same organization.
Anyhow, any ideas about how much cash I should keep on hand and what to do with the rest of it? I like the idea of waiting for the markets to decline and THEN investing a lot of it, but I guess that's market-timing, isn't it?