It's only going to get worse. Trust me.
A member of my family is like the person Dynasty described and she suckers men in with the charm and then controls them completely.
Which one? I described three.
The girl I dated for eight months who wanted to live with me at day 90.
The girl I hung out with for a week and a half, and six and half weeks later got the protection order put in force from a judge for a year. So total of two months with her.
And my friend's sister.
Dynasty's characterization of what men want out of a relationship is certainly not what all men want and might be why he wound up in a relationship with someone like that in the first place. She will pretend to be everything you want at the beginning. He's lucky he got out and he's not kidding about the potential trapping by these particular sorts of women.
I did find his comment misogynist. And I feel lucky that my boyfriend does not care about the cooking or cleaning aspect. Cooking and cleaning are no more a woman's jobs than a man's. As for the sex, damn...I care about that.
Okay. First of all. I've never "ended" up with a woman who's cooked and cleaned for me. And second, although it could be interpreted as such I said cooking and cleaning are a woman's job. That was not my intent or my meaning.
And since just about everyone here except Fletch and KulshanGirl think's I'm an misogynist. I'm not too interested in explaining too much more of my meaning behind the three things I listed as men finding important in a mate. That being said, I apologize for offending anyone. And now that being said, let me explain some more.
I've had the pleasure of dating, and knowing some really interesting women in my life. And what I mean about the whole cooking and cleaning thing was, which will apply to men as well, is a MAN, or a woman, who cannot cook or clean lacks simple skills to be able to take care of themselves. That is it. And I never said anything about liking to cook or clean. I hate cleaning. I hate doing dishes. But I do it. Because I can take care of myself. And the woman I've known in my life romantically, and on a platonic level who do not cook (for themselves), and live on take out food, and who do not clean (their own apartment or house) and live in filth are literally a mess emotionally. And this would also apply to couple of male friends I've had in my life as well.
Luckily for me, my current girlfriend of the past year and a half not only keeps her apartment clean and tidy, but she also cooks really well. Plus, she likes to have sex with me. In addition to that, when she is over at my house I'll cook for her. Imagine that!
Now, getting back on topic with the intent of the OP starting this thread. I meant two things with my three criteria. 1) the sex must be incredible with this woman. And 2) why would a guy want to be with a woman who cannot take care of herself? That is all.
And now the cynic in me is going to close with someone is now either going to write or think.. "Well, if that's what you meant, that's what you would of written. I think you really meant such and such..."
Good luck OP. Keep us posted.