Every weekeday i have a huge smoothier which gives me the needed calories to recover from a workout and last most of the workday without passing out. However, im annoyed that some ingredieints have either unnecessary sugar or artificial sweetners. My smoothie already has bananas which provide adequate sweetness and sugar.
I have searched for sugar free PB (or at least low sugar), and it is rare and usually a hippy 'natural' product with a high price tag. I eat approx 2 lbs PB per week, so lower cost is appreciated. Has anyone found a good bulk supplier of low sugar PB? I think it tastes better this way too. I dont care whether or not it has the stabilizers that prevent it from separating.
For the Protein powder, i usually buy meijer brand on sale. It has a small amount fo sugar, but more concernign is the sucralose. I know that research on artificial sweetners is in its early phases and there really arent strong unanimous conclusions on whether they are bad. But i have some digestion issues i have posted abotu before, and generally avoid artificial sweetners in order to err on the side of caution. Therefore, anyone know an inexpensive source of protein powder that doesnt have this crap in it? typically this shows up in expensive hippy protein powders, which is fancier than i need.