Hi all, just wanted to say how much I appreciate this community and the depth of knowledge here, it's truly amazing! I've learned so much and put myself in a much better position financially and now I'm looking to work on my career as well.
I'm an IT/Operations Project Manager at a Fortune 500 firm and frankly, I can't stand it. I'm a bit of a control person and I feel like a PM in a matrix environment has the opposite of control. My projects are going fine and I've done quite well so far in my job, but I am realizing that the lack of control, the feeling I can't "leave my job at the office", and thefeeling like not I'm doing any "real" work are already giving me the "burnout" itch. The problem is, I don't have the skills or expertise to move into an individual contributor role, but I don't have the experience to start managing people. I could always move companies, but I honestly don't think much is going to change. That being said, I'm actively preparing to pass my PMP (why? I hate project management) which would give me a decent ($5-10k) bump if I would move companies.
On the other hand, I think that this job isn't so bad. Sure, I don't love it, but it pays well, doesn't require more than 8-9 hour days, and allows me to work from home whenever I want.
I've been sticking it out since in 3 months my company contribution/match to my 401k is fully vested. After that, I have the freedom to move without fearing that I'll lose that money.
For some background, I'm a 26 year old single guy grossing $70k/year in a midwest city. I haven't been saving ridiculously well in the past, but I've started to improve my finances and I should start to save ~30k/year, 18k in my 401k and the rest after-tax savings. I have no debt, $50k net worth, live with roommates, and don't have any big expenses. I have a bachelor's in Information Science and Operations.
With all that said, I had three potential plans, and am completely open to more options:
1. Stick to it. The job will start to become automatic and I can go on autopilot, happily taking raises, promotions, and etc until I save enough for an early retirement at around 40-45 years old.
2. Quit, and start learning a trade (electrician, plumber, etc). Yes, I'll probably start at a lower income but I think I'm savvy enough to start my own business. I'd feel like I'm actually doing "real work" that's valuable and I'd feel more accomplished.
3. Quit, and start my own business. Above all, this is what I really want to do. Again, I think I'm savvy enough to execute this, the problem is I just don't have an idea. I just don't "know" anything that well, besides project management and cooking. And frankly, starting a restaurant is so incredibly risky I'd rather stick to the job I have now.
Anyone have any advice? Would love to hear from current/former PM's in particular.